WWE Survivor Series Results

WWE Survivor Series Results (11/24/19)

November 24, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Kickoff Show:

HBK announces that the NXT Men’s Team will be as follows: Damian Prest, Matt Riddle, WALTER, Keith Lee, and Tommaso Ciampa.

WWE Tag Team World Cup Battle Royal: The OC vs. The Revival vs. The Forgotten Sons vs. Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode vs. The Street Profits vs. Hawkins and Ryder vs. Breezango vs. Lucha House Party vs. Imperium vs. Heavy Machinery 

After Ziggler superkicks Gallows off the apron, the final two teams are The Street Profits and Ziggler/Roode. Roode spinebusters Dawkins. Ziggler stomps Ford in the corner. Ziggler accidentally superkicks Roode. Roode falls through the ropes, not over the top. Ford goes up top. Roode pushes Ford off the top. Ford lands on the apron. Ziggler DDT Dawkins. Ford frog splashes Ziggler. Roode sneaks up behind  Ford and launches him over the top for the win.

Winners- Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode

NXT Cruiserweight Championship Triple Threat Match: Lio Rush (c) vs. Kalisto vs. Akira Tozawa 

Tozawa and Kalisto double team Rush. Rush goes up top. Tozawa and Kalisto cut him off. Rush Japanese arm drags  Kalisto and Tozawa off the top. Rush fires up and lands multiple strikes on Kalisto and Tozawa. Tozawa manages to hit his top rope senton. Kalisto breaks up the pin. Kalisto hits his finish on Tozawa. Rush crushes Kalisto with the Final Hour for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Lio Rush!

WWE Survivor Series Results Continue On The Next Page!