WWE TLC Results

WWE TLC Results (12/15/19)

December 15, 2019

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Kickoff Show

Andrade w/Zelina Vega vs. Humberto Carrillo

Carrillo misses a dropkick. Andrade stomps Carrillo. Carrillo surprises Andrade with a springboard arm drag. Carrillo goes up top but Andrade knocks Carrillo to the outside. Carrillo fires up and lands a ranna that sends Andrade to the outside. Andrade back body drops Carrillo but Carrillo lands on his feet. Carrillo lands a few strikes. Carrillo tries a standing moonsault but Andrade turns it into a schoolboy bomb into the corner. Andrade tries a running double knee strike but Carrillo surprises him with a nasty dropkick. Andrade falls out of the ring. Carrillo lands a dive. Andrade gets his leg caught in the rope. Carrillo missile dropkicks Andrade.

Carrillo goes up top. Andrade cuts Carrillo off. Carrillo gets hung in a tree of woe outside of the ring. Andrade lands a double stomp off the ring post. Carrillo kicks out. A strike exchange ends with Andrade turning Carrillo inside out with a lariat. Andrade lands the double knee strike but Carrillo kicks out. Andrade almost runs into Vega again. Carrillo manages to hit a poison ranna off the top rope. Carrillo crushes Andrade with a top rope moonsault for the win.

Winner- Humberto Carrillo

After the match, Vega tries to help Andrade up. Andrade pushes her away and leaves.

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