sadie gibbs
Photo Credit: AEW

Sadie Gibbs Confirms Timeline For In-Ring Return, Has First Match Lined Up (Exclusive)

Sadie Gibbs reveals more information about her return to wrestling.

Gibbs confirmed her AEW release in 2020, as she was limited in her ability to wrestle due to travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. She later announced her retirement from wrestling in 2021. In June 2023, Gibbs shared the news that she will return to the ring.

During a new interview with Ella Jay for WrestleZone, Sadie Gibbs confirmed that she has her first match back lined up. The bout is set for November in Germany and Gibbs also noted that they have one person in mind for her opponent.

“At the moment, I’ve got one match lined up, which is November, and that’s in Germany. So yeah, I was their DWA Champ for a while,” Gibbs said. “I’m not sure, we’ve got one person in mind who it’s gonna be with, and she’s also from Germany, and she’s a very good wrestler. I’ve watched her a long time. We’ll see if anything comes clear because that’s a long way off, but like I said, it’s getting the gear made. Once that’s all in my hands, it will all feel real.”

When asked whether she is open for bookings, Gibbs made it clear that she would be once she got her gear ready. She named the end of August or mid-September as a potential timeline. Gibbs emphasized that she hoped to be back in the ring by October.

“Definitely, from the end of August,” Gibbs said. “Mid-September to August. I am hoping to have all my gear and everything. It’s a lot to get done and a lot to do. [I] definitely want to be in the ring by October.”

Take Me On

Sadie Gibbs also explained that she didn’t specifically have her eyes set on any potential opponents yet. Instead, she is focused on the process of returning to the ring. She stated that she would start scouting opponents once she felt ready.

“Not just yet,” Gibbs said. “That’s something I need to build back in and see who’s been out there. But right now, I think for me, my main focus is getting my gear done, getting my images done for that because you have to get those done before you start putting yourself out for bookings, and just making the look, get combat-looking and getting all ready to get in the ring, training up. But I will start searching out opponents once I feel ready to take them on.”

WrestleZone will provide more information about Gibbs’ return to the ring as it becomes available. Stay tuned for our full interview with Sadie Gibbs in the near future.

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