Title This: WWE TLC Reaction 12/16/12

WWE TLCTeam Rhodes Scholars defeated Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio in an exciting and fast paced match to get the crowd in Brooklyn going. I really thought this match had a little bit of everything, including ariel assaults, aggressive ground and pound, and really had the heels look dominant. I was nervous that the beginning of the night would cater to the fans, giving the faces the victory. Nonetheless, all four men really worked well together. The most entertaining part was the ability for all men to come so close to falling through a table, but eventually escaping it. Rhodes hit a beautiful disaster kick onto Mysterio, and the finish came when they shoved Sin Cara through a table to the outside. It was a great spot, and gave the heels a much needed victory.

Team Rhodes Scholars are a team that has a bright future, and Damien Sandow is the guy to run things. I enjoy both men, but Sandow has the most to benefit long term. Cody Rhodes has gained more attention from his moustache than anything else. That may fade, but a crowd chanting at you for any reason is a plus.

Grade: B+

Antonio Cesaro defeated R-Truth, where he retained the United States Championship. From the very beginning, I was not completely sure why they paired Truth with Cesaro, but this match was pretty fun to watch. These are two men with completely different strategies to attack their opponent. Truth was able to hit a few athletic moves to take down the stronger opponent. Antonio Cesaro, once again, shined. His usage of uppercuts is spectacular and connects perfectly with what his character is supposed to be. He will never be the prettiest executer, but that is what makes him so good. Cesaro hits some great kicks to Truth's stomach, punches him in the face, and is able to reverse his finisher and set up for the Neutralizer.

Cesaro will now move onto someone else, and many people think Jack Swagger would be a great pick. Although it would work for him bashing the United States, I wonder if he would ultimately drop the title to Swagger. I want Cesaro to continue to improve and be able to hold onto the strap. He needs to continue his run as US Champion because he is the perfect fit right now to carry the mid card status in the WWE.

Grade: B