WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (4/3/20)

April 3, 2020
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Miz TV

The Usos come out first. They aren’t waiting backstage for Miz and Morrison since those two blindsided them last week. Jimmy says they are going to win the ladder match at WrestleMania. The New Day interrupts. Kingston says the Usos won’t be taking down the titles at Mania. The Usos and New Day argue over who was going to win last week. Miz and Morrison walk out on the ramp. Miz says they deserve better as the tag team champions. When it comes down to it, New Day and The Usos will turn on each other. Miz and Morrison both climb ladders on the stage. The Usos and New Day run up the ramp and attack Miz and Morrison. Jey accidentally superkicks Kingston. Big E. tosses Jey into the barricade. Miz and Morrison take everyone out with shots from the ladder.

Sasha Banks and Bayley are at the commentary desk for the next match.

Naomi vs. Tamina vs. Lacey Evans

Evans and Naomi attack Tamina. Lacey lands a basement dropkick on Tamina. Naomi tries to roll up Tamina. Tamina headbutts Naomi to avoid it. Tamina clotheslines Naomi and Evans out of the ring. After the break, Tamina clubs Naomi in the middle of the ring. Naomi runs into a clothesline by Tamina. Tamina lands a few strikes. Naomi fires up. Naomi lands a disaster kick. Tamina flattens Naomi. Evans clotheslines Tamina. Tamina is down in the corner. Evans crushes Tamina with her patented handstand bronco buster. Slingshot elbow by Evans. Naomi sends Evans out of the ring. Banks sneaks up behind Evans and launches her into the ring steps. Naomi kicks Banks in the head. Bayley doesn’t get up to help Banks. Bayley just asks if Banks is ok. Tamina Samoan drops Naomi. Naomi kicks out. Bayley distracts Naomi which allows Tamina to superkick Naomi for the win.

Winner- Tamina

After the match, Bayley thanks Tamina and says she is happy to have her in the match. Bayley and Tamina shake hands. Tamina superkicks Bayley. Banks checks on Bayley. Banks tries to remind Tamina of their Team B.A.D. days. Tamina Samoan drops Banks.

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!