WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (8/29/23)

WWE NXT Results
August 28, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Heatwave Results (8/22/23)

Steel Cage Match: The Creed Brothers vs. The Dyad (If the Creeds win, they will be reinstated to NXT)

As Julius and Brutus make their entrance, Brutus is attacked by masked Schism followers before he can enter. Joe Gacy closes the cage and locks the door, trapping Julius in the ring with Reid and Fowler. Reid and Fowler beat down Julius. Julius manages to suplex both men at the same time. Julius decks Fowler and scrapes Reid’s face on the cage. Fowler is still down. Julius traps Fowler in an ankle lock.

Reid tries to break it up, but Julius somehow powerbombs Reid while still torturing Fowler. Fowler and Reid sends Julius face-first into the cage. After the break, The Dyad is firmly in control. On the stage, multiple masked Schism followers get tossed down the ramp. Brutus marches down to the ring. Gacy has the key. Brutus chases Gacy and Ava. More Schism henchmen try to block him. Brutus runs through all of them. Brutus rips the door off the cage and barges into the ring. Julius is still down.

Brutus slams the broken cage door onto Reid and Folwer over and over again. Fowler tries a German suplex. Brutus lands on his feet and tosses Fowler into the cage. Julius lifts both members of the Dyad up in the doomsday position. Brutus dives off the top and destroys them both with a Brutus Ball. Julius and Brutus land stereo basement clotheslines. Brutus and Julius pin Fowler and Reid at the same time.

Winners- The Creed Brothers

After the match, Ava storms off. Gacy looks on in disgust. Ivy Nile joins the Creeds in the ring to celebrate.

Global Heritage Invitational Match (Group A): Charlie Dempsey w/Damon Kemp and Drew Gulak vs. Butch

Butch and Dempsey trade takedowns. Dempsey grabs a double-knuckle lock. Butch tries to head butt his way out of it, but Dempsey takes him over with a northern lights suplex. Armbar by Dempsey. Butch counters into an armbar of his own. Dempsey reverses that into manipulates Butch’s fingers, much like Butch is known for. Dempsey stomps on Butch’s elbow. Butch obliterates Dempsey with a nasty lariat.

Butch bends Dempsey’s fingers before stomping on his elbow. Heritage Cup Champion Noam Dar and the rest of Meta-Four are watching the match. Butch and Dempsey trade submission holds. Dempsey reverses a double wrist lock into a butterfly suplex hold. Butch kicks out. Dempsey eats a kick to the face. Buth goes up top. Dempsey cuts him off and tries a dragon suplex off the top. Butch lands on his feet and hits the Bitter End for the win.

Winner- Butch

Backstage, Mustafa Ali tells Dragon Lee that he doesn’t deserve a North American Championship Match since Dominik already beat him.

In-Ring Segment: Ilja Dragunov

Dragunov admits that Trick Williams impressed him last week. Williams is more than an entertainer; and he is definitely not a sidekick. With that, Dragunov told Wes Lee last week that he is next for Carmelo Hayes. Noam Dar and Meta-Four are still on the upper stage, so Dar interrupts Dragunov for an impromptu Super Nova Session. Dar thinks it funny Dragunov is out here begging for a match against Hayes. Dragunov asks Dar to explain why he shouldn’t come up there.

Lash Legend and Jakra Jackson both say Dar isn’t afraid of Dragunov. Dragunov takes off his jacket and starts to leave the ring. Everyone in Meta-Four yells for him to stop. Dar challenges Dragunov to a match next week instead of a brawl right now. Mensah steps in and says Dragunov doesn’t deserve to be in the ring with a champion like Dar. Dragunov will face him instead. Dragunov is perfectly fine with that. The two men start brawling. Dragunov sets up the Torpedo Moskau. Mensah rolls out of the ring.

During a video package, Von Wagner challenges Bron Breakker to a No DQ Match come Tuesday… 🙂

Kelani Jordan and Dana Brooke vs. Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez

Jordan takes control early. Jordan tries her huluhoop armdrag. Vice puts on the brakes and slams Jordan. Lopez tags in. Vice and Lopez take turns beating down Jordan. Jordan manages to tag in Brooke. Brooke is a house of fire, working over Vice and Lopez.

Cartwheel splash by Brooke to both Lopez and Vice. Lopez kicks out of a wheelbarrow bulldog. Assisted moonsault by Brooke and Jordan. Vice breaks up the pin. Vice sends Brooke into the ring steps. Lopez and Vice hit a spinebuster/spine kick combo on Jordan for the win.

Winners- Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez

Outside the ring, Brooke goes nuts. She is livid that Jordan just got pinned.

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

Dijak vs. Eddy Thorpe

Thorpe attacks Dijak during his entrance, dropkicking him into the ring steps. Dijak rolls into the ring. German suplex by Thorpe. Brainbuster by Thorpe. Dijak lands high justice. Thorpe kicks out. Thorpe lands another suplex. Dijak wraps his belt around his fist. Thorpe dodges Dijak’s loaded fist. Both men fight over the belt. The fight spills outside. Thorpe lands a dive. Dijak kicks Thorpe into the commentary desk.

Dijak spins and tosses Thorpe clear over the commentary desk. Thorpe crawls around in the ring. Dijak grabs a chair. Dijak misses a chair shot. Thorpe sends Dijak out of the ring. Thorpe tries a dive, but Dijak clocks him with a loaded punch. Dijak drops the belt, rolls in the ring, and hits the Cyclone boot. Dijak pins Thorpe.

Winner- Dijak

Global Heritage Invitational Match (Group B): Joe Coffey w/Gallus vs. Nathan Frazer

After a stiff back-and-forth match, Frazer misses a Phoenix Splash. Coffey almost decapitated Frazer with Best for the Bells for the win.

Winner- Joe Coffey

Fatal Four-Way Number One Contender’s Match: Kiana James vs. Gigi Dolan vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Blair Davenport

As soon as the bell rings, everyone brawls. Each woman tries a roll up, only to get broken up by one of the other competitors. Dolan and Perez roll up Davenport and James. James and Davenport both kick out at the same time. Dolan drops Perz with an STO on the apron. Davenport leaps off the steps and crushes Dolan with a double stomp to the back. Davenport turns around and eats a moonsault off the barricade by James. As James celebrates, Perez surprises her with a tope suicida.

After the break, Perez almost locks in a triple Boston crab. Davenport breaks it up. Perez goes up top. Davenport cuts her off. James joins in. Dolan sends everyone flying with a tower of doom. Dolan lands a flurry of strikes on James and Davenport. Davenport kicks out after a basement dropkick. Davenport counters Dolan’s double under hook by launching her into the middle rope. James and Davenport trade strikes. Perez tries Pop Rocks out of the corner, but Davenport breaks it up with a dropkick to Perez’s face.

Spinning suplex by Davenport. Dolan breaks up the pin with a double stomp. Half-nelson suplex hold by Dolan. Perez breaks that pin up. Dolan and Perez fight outside the ring. Diving rana by Perez. Perez sets up Pop Rock. Davenport kicks Perez in the face as she flips Dolan over. Perez hits Pop Rocks on Davenport, but Davenport falls out of the ring. James hits the ring and drops Perez with her finish for the win.

Winner and NEW Number One Contender, Kiana James!

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