WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (3/7) Dusty Tag Team Classic begins, Black Battles Dain!

Aleister Black vs Killian Dain

As soon as the bell rings Dain dropkicks Black. Black kicks out. Dain splashes Black in the corner. Dain tries again but Black moves out of the way. Black unleashes a flurry of strikes. Dain rolls out of the ring. Golden star moonsault to the outside by Black. After the break, Black is kicking Dain in the corner. Black tries a splash of his own but Dain destroys Black with a running cross body block. Dain focuses his attack on Black’s ribs. Dain puts Black in a seated abdominal stretch. Black gets to his feet. Dain knees Black in the gut. Dain bodyslams Black, then hits a standing splash. Black kicks out. Dain splashes Black again. Black kicks out. Dain rolls Black onto his stomach. Dain splashes Black’s back. Black kicks out for the third time.

Modified camel clutch by Dain. Dain tries a suplex. Black escapes. Black lands a few kicks. Black kicks Dain in the leg a few times. Black sweeps Dain’s legs then hit a basement boot. Cabrada by Black for a near fall. Black dives off the top. Dain clotheslines Black in midair. That is still not enough to keep Black down. Dain keeps yelling that this is his path. Black tries a DDT but Dain spears Black to the mat. Senton into a Vader Bomb by Dain. Black somehow manages to kick out! Dain sets up Black in the electric chair. Black reverses it into a roll up. Dain kicks out. Black immediately hits the Black Mass for the win.

Winner- Aleister Black

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