WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Live Results (7/31/19)

WWE NXT Live Results
July 31, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Tyler Breeze vs. Jaxon Ryker w/The Forgotten Sons

Ryker forces Breeze into the corner. Ryker tosses Breeze clear across the ring. Breeze fires up and stomps Ryker in the corner. Breeze leaps in the air but Ryker catches him with one arm. Ryker slams Breeze down to the mat hard with a uranage. Pendulum backbreaker for a near fall by Ryker. Breeze lands a high knee.  Ryker tries a chokeslam. Breeze turns it into a roll-up for the win!

Winner- Tyler Breeze

After the match, all three Forgotten Sons beat down Breeze. Fandango hits the ring and makes the save.

Candice LeRae is in the parking lot pacing back and forth waiting for Io Shirai.

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