santino marella
Photo Credit: WWE

Santino Marella Believes He Could’ve Been WWE Champion, Even If It Was For A Couple Of Weeks

Santino Marella believes winning the WWE Championship was one more miracle he could have pulled off.

During a recent interview on The Ten Count with Steve FallSantino Marella was asked if WWE ever considered giving him a world championship reign. Marella said that there’s something romantic about always coming so close, noting how some of his close calls are still talked about to this day.

“Yeah, every time something like that happened where I knew we were going to come close, I just looked at it like, ‘Okay, this is gonna be cool.’ And then, in hindsight, especially the Elimination Chamber, you look back and like there was something special that night. People still talk about that to this day, where it was one of the biggest mistakes in terms of writing that the WWE ever made. One thing they should have allowed to happen to satisfy the crowd. And that’s up there with one of them, and it’s in everyone’s top five of things they should have done.

“And when I talked to people that were there for the Royal Rumble, and they were like, ‘Man, we thought you were gonna win, and we were cool with it. We were good. We’re like, okay, Santino’s gonna be in the main event of Mania. I’m good with that.’ And that means a lot to me that fans were cool or just it made sense at the time that this was the direction they were going to go. People love Santino. There’s something romantic about always coming so close. And never really getting that complete full satisfaction of getting what they want. And so it always leaves the door open for that miracle return or something Just to kind of hopefully one day finally satisfy that itch.”

Did Santino believe it would ever happen?

“Yeah, absolutely,” he stated. “I mean, the whole character is based on a miracle, right? I always thought that there was before my neck and my surgery and everything. I thought we’re gonna have a miracle moment where I was gonna win the big one, even if it was a couple of weeks. I kind of thought — and that was really my intention when I was coming back off the injury and trying to come back was to just experience that moment, that fulfillment of the miracle. And yeah, my neck was never well enough to come back and do that.”

Despite never holding the WWE Championship, Santino Marella won the Intercontinental Championship, United States Championship and WWE Tag Team Championship.

Read More: Santino Marella Reveals Details Behind The WWE Sitcom He Filmed With Beth Phoenix

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