santino marella
Photo by Moses Robinson/Getty Images

Santino Marella Reveals Details Behind The WWE Sitcom He Filmed With Beth Phoenix

The long-rumored Santino Marella sitcom with Beth Phoenix that was reportedly filmed almost a decade ago is very much real.

Former WWE Superstar Santino Marella was a recent guest on The Ten Count with Steve Fall to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about the rumors that he filmed a sitcom back in the day for the WWE Network, Marella confirmed that the show exists.

“Yeah, so what happened was I pitched a sitcom. So I did; I think it was one episode. So I kind of wrote it, and it was Beth Phoenix and I. It was called Somebody Loves Santino, and it was just basically Beth Phoenix, our home life,” Santino Marella revealed. “So I got some of the guys from the online to do some editing and add some canned laughter. And I waited around one night after RAW outside Vince’s office, and I gave him the CD, and I’m like, ‘Yeah, this is an idea I had,’ and he watched it, and he said, ‘Yeah, we’re gonna do it.’ So then he assigned a writer to actually do a real pilot or real three episodes.

“[But] there’s like a tragedy of errors or whatever that the writer got Lyme disease. Then the writer broke his hip. Then the writer’s father died. And you know, this guy’s trying to put together three funny episodes. One episode was fun. A couple episodes were funny. One was horrible. And when we put it together, the WWE kind of wanted a little higher budget. They weren’t funny, and it was like, ‘Nah, we’re not doing it.’

“But the original one that I did, I thought was better. So we had a little bit of a difference in opinion, Brian Gewirtz and I. He wanted to do a little bit of like a Curb Your Enthusiasm type camerawork. I wanted pure Disney-canned laughter. That standard sitcom backdrop with the stairs at an angle, the whole thing. I wanted it to be for kids. And he wanted it to be, I guess, for a little bit of an older audience, but it really never got going.

“Years later, I saw The Big Show have that sitcom on Netflix and stuff. And I’m like, that should have been my sitcom. He did a great job. But it’s just the wrong character. I think that sitcoms should be with a comedy guy, and you don’t think of Big Show, and the first thing you think of is comedy, although he’s a funny guy. He’s a giant. Right?”

Marella went on to detail the three episodes that were taped, including the horrible one that he didn’t care for at all.

“Yeah, there was a couple episodes. I love the one where Santino gets addicted to Nicorette. He never smokes, but he gets addicted to Nicorette; that one’s funny,” Santino Marella recalled. “And then there’s one little episode where Vladimir Kozlov gets this voice-activated car with all the bells and whistles. And because of our two accents, we can’t get the car to do anything. The seats are reclining when we don’t want them to and all this stuff. So that kind of stuff was funny. The one that’s not funny was Santino liked a girl at the tanning salon. So he just kept going and going and going and getting so burned. But the makeup was bad, and it wasn’t good.”

READ MORE: Anthem Wrestling Files To Trademark ‘Santino Marella’

What do you make of Santino’s comments? Would you like to see this show released on the WWE Network? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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