wwe hell in a cell

WWE Hell In A Cell: Brie Bella & Daniel Bryan vs. Maryse & The Miz

WWE Hell In A Cell: Brie Bella & Daniel Bryan vs. Maryse & The Miz
Photo by: Tommy Garcia/USA Network/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

(Credit to Lovell Porter for the transcription of the results)

Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella vs The Miz and Maryse

After a distraction by Maryse, Miz attacks Bryan from behind. Miz whips Bryan into the corner. Bryan does a backflip over the Miz. Bryan floors Miz with a clothesline. Corner 10 punches by Bryan. Bryan almost puts Miz in the Yes Lock. Miz rolls out of the ring to avoid it. Bryan tags in Brie. Miz tags himself back in so Maryse doesn’t have to fight. Miz knees Bryan in the gut. Miz lands a few dropkicks in the corner. Miz goes up top. Bryan crotches Miz on the top rope. Top rope ranna by Bryan. Bryan calls for the running knee. Miz moves out of the way. Bryan puts Miz in the Yes Lock. Maryse breaks up the pin. Brie chases Maryse around the ring. Miz tries the Skull Crushing Finale. Bryan turns it into a pint. Miz kicks out. Bryan lands a few dropkicks in the corner. Miz moves out of the way. Miz puts Bryan in a chin lock. Miz does the It kicks. Miz tries a superplex. Bryan knocks Miz off the top.

Bryan misses the diving headbutt. Bryan back body drops Miz out of the ring. Bryan tags in Brie. Brie doesn’t want to get in the ring. Miz stands in Brie’s way. Brie attack Miz. Brie slides through Miz’s legs and baseball slides Maryse. Brie slams Maryse’s head on the announce desk over and over again. Bryan hits a flying knee off the apron. Miz sends Bryan into the barricade. Miz breaks up the pin. Brie and Bryan Yes kicks Maryse and Miz at the same time. Maryse and Miz both duck the last kick. Miz and Maryse try to leave. Bryan and Brie cut Miz and Maryse off. Brie sends Maryse back into the ring. Brie Mode knee by Brie. Brie rolls up Maryse. Maryse reverses it and grabs a hand full of tights to get the win.

Winners- The Miz and Maryse

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