Natalya Backstage At Mae Young Classic
Natalya shared the following backstage photos from the Mae Young Classic:
These are just a few of the pics from the @MaeYoungClassic tonight. I’m so proud of the women who are competing in this tournament. They are proof that it’s very important to have goals and to work hard because dreams do come true! ??♀️? pic.twitter.com/r0heFzVJg0
— Nattie (@NatbyNature) August 9, 2018
RELATED: First Round Matchups For The 2018 Mae Young Classic *Spoilers*
New Celtic Warrior Workouts Video
Sheamus uploaded the following video on his channel Celtic Warrior Workouts discussing supplements:
WWE Superstar Sheamus aka The Celtic Warrior here… So many people have asked for advice on Workout Supplements on this channel so Prof. Sheamie hooked-up with 1st Phorm to bring you An Idiot’s Guide Supplements. We also had a 15 min AMRAP HIIT Workout in the yard for good measure.
With my lab partner Jarrett we cover multi-vitamins, powdered greens, post-workout protein and fast acting carbs, whole foods, pre-trainers, and so much more. I hope this helps you to… Brave Change.