Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (6/18): Fallout From MITB, Rousey Goes Berserk, New Champion Crowned, More

Backstage, Bayley finds Banks and demands she stop. Banks says she is done with Bayley. Bayley and Banks fight. Banks leaves Bayley laying.

In Ring Segment: Kurt Angle

Angle says management has come to a decision on when Brock Lesnar will defend his Universal Title next. Before Reigns can finish his sentence Roman Reigns walks out. Reigns says he beat Lesnar at the Greatest Royal Rumble. Reigns says the answer to Reigns question is standing in the ring. Bobby Lashley’s music hits and Reigns looks super confused. Reigns says “Bobby Lashley” incredulously. Lashley says he watched Reigns beat his head up against the wall for three years trying to beat Lesnar. Reigns just doesn’t have what it takes. Lashley tells Reigns to step aside and let someone who can beat Brock, beat Brock. Angle says they both deserve a shot so Lashley and Reigns will both be in a multi-person match at Extreme Rules. The Revival come down and says they want to face Lashley and Reigns tonight because somehow Lashley and Reigns are responsible for the Revival being held down… Reigns agrees to the match.

The Revival vs Bobby Lashley and Roman Reigns

Reign and Lashley argue over who should start the match. Reigns pushes Dawson clear across the ring. Shoulder tackle by Reigns sends Dawson down to the mat. Lashley tags in. Lashley sends Dawson out of the ring. Lashley tosses Wilder about 15 feet in the air and hits a spine buster. Reigns looks impressed. Lashley tries a press slam but Wilder chop blocks him. The Revival hit Demolition Decapitation on Lashley. Lashley kicks out. Lashley tags in Reigns. Reigns clears the ring. Reigns Superman Punches Dawson. Wilder rolls up Reigns. Reigns kicks out. Reigns Superman Punches Wilder. Reigns calls for the Spear. Lashley tags himself in and Spears Wilder for the win.

Winners- Bobby Lashley and Roman Reigns

After the match, Lashley tells Reigns that is how it’s done.

Backstage, Angle is with Corbin. They run into Bálor who says he will do anything he has to to get in the match at Extreme Rules. Owens walks in and says Bálor has no right to be talking about a title shot. Bálor tells Owens that he is too stupid to release when danger is standing right behind him. Owens turns around and Strowman is standing there. Strowman says he goes where he wants to and he is here to back up his little buddy Finn. Strowman challenges Corbin and Owens to a match. Angle says this is a runaway train and walks away.