Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (6/18): Fallout From MITB, Rousey Goes Berserk, New Champion Crowned, More

WWE Raw Results 

June 18th, 2018
Report By Lovell Porter for

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In Ring Segment: Kurt Angle

Angle says he is proud that Raw superstars won both men’s and women’s MITB matches. Angle asks Alex Bliss to join him in the ring. Angle says Bliss demanded this presentation. Angle hands Bliss the Raw women’s championship. Angle tells Bliss that Nia Jax is invoking her rematch clause for Extreme Rules. Bliss chastises Angle for being so quick to move on to next month. Bliss thanks the crowd and everyone else for giving her the opportunity… the opportunity to rub it in all of our faces. Bliss says there will be no more talk about an “Irresistible force” or a “Baddest Woman on the Planet”. Ronda Rousey power walks to the ring and takes off her coat. Angle steps in front of Rousey who is trying to get to Bliss. Bliss says she thought Rousey would be doing therapy with Jax. Bliss mocks Rousey for getting hit with the Money in the Bank briefcase last night. Bliss says Rousey doesn’t know that this isn’t the UFC.

What Bliss did was last night was totally legal. Bliss says Rousey was fingertips away from making Jax tap last night. Bliss guesses we will never know. Bliss says Rousey is out here because she can’t let someone else sit in the spotlight. Bliss says Rousey is irrelevant. If Rousey wants a shot, she better gets tot he back of the line. Bliss calls Rousey overhyped rookie.  Rousey double legs Bliss and starts to ground and pound her. Angle pulls Rousey off of Bliss. Rousey judo throws Angle and goes back to beating down Bliss. Rousey hits Bliss with the MITB briefcase. Angle pulls Rousey off Bliss again. Rousey hits Angle with the MITB briefcase over and over again. Rousey yells that Angle was supposed to be her friend. Rousey beats up all the referees that hit the ring. Rousey picks up a knocked out Bliss and powerbombs her through a table.