Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (6/18): Fallout From MITB, Rousey Goes Berserk, New Champion Crowned, More

Backstage, Bayley walks into the locker room and sits next to Sasha Banks. Banks looks dejected. Bayley says she was rooting for Banks last night. Bayley says Banks can stop now. Bayley knows Banks is going over what happened in her head. Banks says Bayley doesn’t get it. Bayley asks for a fresh start with Banks Bayley asks Banks to tag with her against the Riott Squad tonight. Banks agrees.

Woken Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt vs Rhyno and Heath Slater

The B-Team appears on the ‘Tron. Axel is dressed as Hardy. Axel does a really, REALLY bad impression of Hardy. Dallas is dressed as Wyatt. The B-Team is going to delete Wyatt and Hardy.

Slater and Rhyno attack Hardy and Rhyno from behind. Hardy quickly takes control. Hardy calls for the Twist of Fate. Rhyno avoids it and lands a clothesline. Slater and Rhyno work over Hardy. Hardy eventually tags in Wyatt, who clears the ring. Hardy Twist of Fates Rhyno. Wyatt clotheslines Slater out of his boots. Wyatt and Hardy hit the Kiss of Deletion for the win.

Winners- Woken Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt

Backstage, Baron Corbin walks in and tells Angle that Stephanie McMahon says Angle did a good job with Rousey tonight. Angle starts to say that he didn’t do it for Stephanie and that he doesn’t appreciate any of this. Corbin had Stephine on the phone. Corbin hands Angle the phone as we cut to commercial.