WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (4/30): Seth Rollins Defends The IC Title Against Finn Bálor, Final Hype For Backlash, More

April 30th, 2018
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In Ring Segment: Roman Reigns

Reigns paces around the ring to a chorus of boos. Reigns says he isn’t going to make any excuses. There is no need to. You all have seen the video and the tweet from the referee. The WWE Universe is looking at the REAL Universal Champion. Reigns says he kept his promise. Reigns beat Brock Lesnar at the Greatest Royal Rumble. Reigns says he would tell Lesnar himself but Lesnar isn’t here. Samoa Joe appears on the screen and says no one had faith in Reigns to begin with. At Backlash, Joe is going to put Reigns to sleep. Before Reigns can respond, Jinder Mahal and Sunil Singh come out on the stage. Mahal says he lost to Jeff Hardy because Hardy cheated. Reigns lost to Lesnar fair and square. Mahal challenges Reigns to a match tonight. Mahal adds that now that he is on Raw he will soon raise the Universal Championship over his head.

Sami Zayn comes out and the crowd goes absolutely nuts. The hometown boy was given heroes welcome. Zayn says he couldn’t compete at the Greatest Royal Rumble due to an injury but he can compete tonight. Zayn challenges Reigns to a match tonight. Kevin Owens joins the fray and can’t get a word out edgewise as the crowd is going berserk for him. Owens says he knows Zayn can beat Reigns but Owens should face Reigns tonight instead. Owens purposes a popularity contest to see who will face Reigns tonight. The crowd is solidly behind Owens and Zayn. The crowd boos Mahal out of the building. Owens wins the popularity contest. Reigns decks Owens. Mahal, Zayn, Owens, and Singh attack Reigns. Bobby Lashley runs in and tries to save Reigns. The numbers are too much for Lashley. Braun Strowman powerwalks to the ring and helps clear the ring. Strowman press slams Singh out of the ring onto the heels.
