WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (3/26) Lesnar Beats Down Reigns Again, Cena Calls Out Undertaker, More!

March 26th, 2018
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In Ring Segment: Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman

Heyman lets us know that are almost to the minute seven days from the savage beating Lesnar gave Roman Reigns. Heyman says even though he is the best talking in the history of this company he can’t put into words what Lesnar did to Reigns last week. Heyman directs everyone to take a look at the ‘Tron. Footage of Lesnar’s beatdown of Reigns is shown. Heyman says he has breaking news: the suspension of Reigns has been lifted. Lesnar smiles in the background. Heyman says everyone probably thinks Reigns is going to come out ready for a fight. Nope. Reigns isn’t here tonight. Heyman says he can’t give all of the credit for the beatdown to Lesnar. Reigns was raised by Samoans who were badasses. It’s a shame they didn’t raise Reigns to be a man. Heyman points out that for all of Reigns bluster about always being here he isn’t here tonight.

Heyman let’s us know that the U.S. Marshals from last week were MMA students paid by him to handcuff Reigns. If the beating went the other way Lesnar would crawl to the ring to make sure he was here. At WrestleMania, Reigns isn’t man enough to take the Universal title from Lesnar. Reigns appears in the crowd with a chair. Lesnar runs over Reigns. Lesnar picks up Reigns but Reigns sends Lesnar into the ring post. Reigns hits Lesnar in the back with the chair over and over again. Reigns dives off the steps for a Superman punch but Lesnar catches him and belly-to-belly suplexes Reigns on the floor. Lesnar picks up the ring steps and hits Reigns in the face with them. Lesnar sends the steps and Reigns into the ring. Reigns struggles to his feet. Lesnar hits Reigns in the face with the steps again. Lesnar hits Reigns with the chair over and over again. Lesnar starts to leave but turns around and power walks to the ring. Lesnar F5s Reigns on the ring steps.