WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

WWE NXT Takeover Philadelphia Results (1/27) All NXT Titles On The Line, Aleister Black And Cole Take It To The Extreme, And More!

January 27th, 2017
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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NXT Tag Team Championship Match: The Undisputed Era (c) vs The Authors of Pain w/Paul Ellering

Before the bell rings Akam and Rezar attack Fish and O’Reilly. Fish and O’Reilly escape the ring. After the referee restores order, O’Reilly tries to chop down the oak tree that is Rezar by kicking at his leg over and over again. Rezar double legs O’Reilly. O’Reilly trips Rezar into a triangle. Rezar escapes. O’Reilly rolls to the outside to slow things down. O’Reilly gets back into the ring. as Rezar charges in O’Reilly backs into his own corner and tags in Fish. Rezar picks up Fish and drives him into his corner. Akam and Rezar beat down Fish. Fish manages to knee Akam in the get and tag O’Reilly back in. Akam flapjacks O’Reilly. O’Reilly and Fish attempt to leave. Akam and Rezar bulldoze O’Reilly and Fish. Fish runs into the ring. Rezar stares him down. Fish backs up and Rezar pulls him out of the ring and wheelbarrow slams him into the barricade. This match has been all AOP. Akam and Rezar hits a backbreaker second rope stomp combo.

Akam comes up lame; clutching his knee. Fish spears Rezar out of the ring. O’Reilly sweeps Akam’s leg. O’Reilly and Fish trap Akam in their corner, tagging in and out working over Akam’s injured knee. Akam back body drops Fish to the apron. O’Reilly charges in and runs right into a uranage by Akam. Fish grabs Akam’s leg and dragon screws him into the second rope. O’Reilly trips Akam into a kneebar. As Akam struggles O’Reilly transitions into an Achilles lock. Akam gets to the ropes. Fish trips Akam and O’Reilly goes right back into the kneebar. Akam makes it to the ropes again but Fish hits a senton atomico in the process. Fish jaws at Rezar. Fish turns around and gets back body dropped. Akam tags in Rezar, who clears the ring. Rezar spine busters O’Reilly and goes into a sick ground and pound combo. Rezar picks up O’Reilly. Fish jumps on Rezar’s back. Rezar fall away slams O’Reilly and lands on top of Fish. O’Reilly tries to lock in a guillotine but Rezar back body drops him. O’Reilly destroys Rezar with a knee to the head. O’Reilly kicks Rezar in the knee as Rezar exploder suplexes Rezar
