WWE Smackdown Live Results (1/2) Controversy Surrounds The Tag Team Titles, Styles Takes on Zayn, Huge WWE Title Match Signed For The Royal Rumble!

WWE Smackdown Live Results – 01/02/18

WWE Smackdown Live Results
January 2nd, 2017
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In Ring Segment: AJ Styles

Styles wishes the WWE Universe a happy New Year. It’s a new year and its time for new beginnings. Styles is sure that everyone in the back has made New Years Resolutions. Styles has made resolutions too. Walk into WrestleMania as WWE Champions and LEAVE WrestleMania as the WWE Champion. That may be hard with people like Sami Zayn being in the way but Styles’ second resolution is to beat Zayn tonight. That said, Styles wants to hear from the man who allowed Zayn to be at ringside last week. Daniel Bryan’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Before Bryan can say a word Shane McMahon joins them in the ring.

Shane says he had the best of intentions last week when he came to the ring last week when he instructed the referee to eject Zayn last week. Shane says his presence may have contributed to Styles’ loss. Shane apologizes to Styles for what happened. Shane accuses Bryan of having a kinship with Kevin Owens and Zayn. Shane can’t understand why Bryan would allow Zayn at ringside last week. Shane asks Bryan if he is turning the Yes! Movement into the Yep! Movement. Shane says he is going to be in Styles corner tonight. Bryan says that isn’t what he had in mind but if Shane is going to be out for the match there shouldn’t be a problem with Owens being at ringside. And if that’s the case, Bryan will be at ringside as well.