WWE RAW Results (10/9) The Shield Reunites, Asuka’s Opponent At TLC Revealed, New Champion Crowned!

Jason Jordan vs Karl Anderson w/Luke Gallows

Jordan takes Anderson over with a fireman’s carry into the crossface. Anderson gets to the ropes. Jordan takes Anderson over again. Anderson retreats to the ropes. Anderson tries a leapfrog but Jordan catches him in mid-air. Jordan launches Anderson in the air for a flapjack. Gallows distracts Jordan which allows Anderson to dropkick Jordan’s knee. Jordan drops like a sack of potatoes. After a short break, Anderson spine busters Jordan. Anderson only gets a two count. Anderson works an armbar. Jordan fight to his feet. Jordan hits the ropes and runs right into a European uppercut. Jordan surprises Anderson with a back suplex. Jordan drives Anderson into the corner. Belly-to-belly by Jordan. Gallows gets on the apron. Anderson rolls up Jordan. Jordan kicks out. Jordan knocks Gallows off the apron. Anderson misses a corner attack. Jordan hits his finish for the win.

Winner- Jason Jordan

Backstage, Miz is being worked on by the trainers. Kurt Angle walks in and asks Miz if he has any broken bones or torn ligaments. Miz says no. Angle says this what happens when you provoke people. Miz wanted the spotlight so he’s got it: Miz and The Bar will face the Shield in a TLC match in the main event of TLC. Miz is lived. Is Angle going to reward the Shield’s behavior tonight? Angle says it’s true. It’s damn true.