WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (9/3/19)

Sept 3, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Smackdown Live Results

In-Ring Segment: Bayley

The crowd boos and cheers Bayley at the same time. Bayley says the crowd is confusing. Bayley says everyone says they didn’t see her attacking Becky Lynch coming. Bayley says Sasha Banks is her best friend and nothing has changed. Bayley is trying to give people opportunities and lift them up. Think about the kids and hugs. Bayley is trying to make kids feel the way she did as a kid. Bayley is trying to show the WWE Universe’s children what it means to be loyal. Bayley says at Clash of Champions she is going to beat the most selfish person on the roster, Charlotte Flair. Flair walks down to the ring. Flair says she is the queen and people say a lot about her but what you see is what you get. Flair tells Bayley to hug the title real tight. Before Flair can finish, Banks interrupts. Flair boots Bayley in the face. Banks hits the ring and gets double legged by Flair. Flair ground and pounds Banks. Bayley grabs a chair and hits Flair with it. Bayley gives Banks the chair. Banks beats Flair down with the chair as well. Banks smiles and gives the chair back to Bayley. Bayley hits Flair one last time.

King of the Ring Quarterfinals Match: Elias vs. Ali

Ali does a cartwheel backflip to avoid a clothesline by Elias. Elias is sent to the outside. Ali tries a dive but Elias catches Ali in midair. Elias drives Ali into the apron. Elias release vertical suplexes Ali on the metal ramp. Elias tosses Ali into the timekeeper’s area. After the break, Ali lands his rolling x-factor for a near fall. Suicide dive by Ali. Ali lands a 450 splash to Elias’s arm. Ali puts Elias in a crossface. Elias gets to the ropes. Elias hits his patented electric chair powerbomb. Ali kicks out. Elias puts Ali in the stretch muffler. Ali gets to the ropes. Elias pushes Ali off the top rope. Ali does a backflip and lands on his feet. Ali almost drops because his knee has been damage. Elias dives off the top to the outside. Ali superkicks Elias out of the air. Ali sends Elias back into the ring. Ali misses the 450. Elias drives his knee into the back of Ali’s knee. Elias hits Drift Away for the win.

Winner- Elias

Elias has advanced to the Semifinals of the King of the Ring tournament.

Backstage, Samoa Joe says he is going to put whoever he faces in the KOTR with lose.

Join WZ’s Kevin Kellam for a LIVE WATCH ALONG for tonight’s episode of RAW!

WWE SmackDown Live Results Continue On The Next Page!