WWE RAW Results (10/9) The Shield Reunites, Asuka’s Opponent At TLC Revealed, New Champion Crowned!

WWE RAW Results – 10/09/17WWE Raw Results

October 9th, 2017
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In Ring Segment: Miz TV

Miz welcomes us to the show. Tonight will be the return of the greatest award show ever: The Mizzies! The first Mizzie of the night goes to Curtis Axel, for persevering last week on Raw. Axel dedicates the award to Bo Dallas. Miz adds that he wants Dallas to get well soon. For the second time in Mizzies history, we have a tie. The winners of the best supporting actor award goes to Sheamus and Cesaro for their role in the destruction of Roman Reigns! Sheamus and Cesrao join Miz and Axel in the ring. Sheamus and Cesaro pose with their Mizzie trophy. Sheamus says he wants to thank the man who made it all possible: Roman Reigns. Watching Reigns struggle to breathe while on the mat just made Sheamus want to beat him down more. Cesaro says they forgot to thank Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. If they didn’t knock out Cesaro’s teeth the Bar wouldn’t have had a reason to destroy them once again. Miz goes on to say the Shield will never get back together. Doesn’t matter how many looks they share in the back. Miz says he and the Bar did something John Cena and The Undertaker could never do. They destroyed Reigns. Miz gives himself the final Mizzie for orchestrating everything that happened last week.

Miz says he is the real Big Dog of WWE. Miz dedicates this award to his unborn child. Reigns music hits and he walks out on the ramp. Reigns says this is where Miz shuts up. Reigns tells them all to get out of his ring right now. Miz says there are four of them and one of him. Miz tells Reigns to go get Ambrose and Rollins. The rumors about the Shield getting back together are just like Reigns himself; nothing but hype. Reigns says rumors? Who said anything about rumors? Ambrose music hits and Ambrose joins Reigns on the stage. Rollins eventually makes his way to the stage as well. Miz looks like he has seen a ghost. The Shield surrounds the ring. A huge brawl breaks out. Reigns takes out Axel as Miz rolls out of the ring. Rollins holds Sheamus as Reigns Superman punches him. Reigns superman punches Cesaro. Cesaro turns around and walks right into the lunatic lariat. Rollins ripcord V-Triggers Sheamus. Miz tries to run away but Ambrose gives him Dirty Deads. Ambrose, Reigns, and Rollins triple powerbomb Miz. The Sheild fist bump over Miz’s fallen corpse.