GFW Impact Results (10/5) Huge AAA Vs GFW Tag Match Main Event, Bound For Glory Matches Signed, More!

Texano telegraphs a back body drop. Storm leaps over Texano and tags in EC3. EC3 cleans house. EC3 hits the TK3 on Texano. Texano kicks out at two. Running knee by EC3. EC3 looks to be setting up a piledriver. Fantasma kicks EC3 in the face to break it up. Texano locks in a side headlock. EC3 fires up but eats a back elbow that stops all the momentum he was building.  Fantasma and Texano beat down EC3 in their corner. EC3 counters Fantasma and lays in multiple short arm knife edge chops. Texano chop blocks EC3 from behind. Fantasma whips EC3 into the corner. EC3 explodes out of the corner and obliterates Fantasma with a clothesline. Pagano walks down the ramp, which distracts Storm. Fantasma knees EC3 in the back as everyone is distracted.

After the break, Texano has EC3 in a modified STF. Texano distracts the referee as Pagano chokes EC3 on the bottom rope. Texano dropkicks EC3. Fantasma traps EC3 in the corner and lays in multiple chips and punches. Texano body slams EC3. Fantasma misses a splash off the top. EC3 blast Fantasma with a cutter. EC3 finally tags in Storm. Storm takes down Fantasma with a clothesline and a Manhattan drop. Storm catches Fantasma and Texano with the two for one for a near fall. Pagano gets on the apron. Storm gets distracted and kicked in the face. Texano and Fantasma crush Storm with a wheelbarrow/lung blower combo for a near fall. Storm, Fantasma, and Texano end up on the top rope. EC3 takes everyone over with the tower of doom. Texano holds up Storm but as Fantasma dives through the rope Storm moves out of the way. Pagano sends EC3 into the ring post. Storm attempts to suplex Fantasma into the ring. Pagano hooks Storm’s legs which causes Fantasma to falls on top of Storm. Pagano holds Storm’s legs so he can’t kick out. Fantasma gets the pinfall victory.

Winners- Texano Jr. and El Hijo Del Fantasma

In the Hide Out, Low-Ki suggests LAX request a 5150 street fight stipulation for their rematch for the GFW tag titles. Konnan agrees.

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