GFW Impact Results (8/31) Global Champ Eli Drake in Action, Huge Global Title Match Signed, and More!

Caleb Konley vs Petey Williams

Williams takes Konley over with a hurricanrana off the second rope. Low dropkick by Williams. Williams gets back body dropped to the apron. Trever Lee distracts Williams which allows Konley to sweep Williams’ leg. Konley beats down Williams. Williams tries to fire up but Konley floors Williams with a back elbow. Williams kicks out. Boot to the face by Konley. Willams charges at Konley but Konley arm drags Williams into the corner. Williams catches Konley with a back elbow and a few chops. Head scissors into a Russian leg sweep. 187 face buster by Williams. Spinning backhand by Konley. Konley hops up top for a moonsault but Williams moves out of the way. Williams calls for the Canadian Destroyer but Lee gets on the apron. Williams dives over the top into a hurricanrana onto Lee. Williams hits the Canadian Destroyer for the win.

Winner- Petey Williams

After the match, Lee attacks Williams. Sonjay Dutt hits the ring and makes the save.

Backstage, Sienna and Terrell are talking. Karen Angle walks in and says Terrell cost Kim her title match. Karen books a tag match for next week: Terrell and Sienna will take on Kim and Allie.

Richard Justice vs Kongo Kong

Kong charges in but Justice moves out of the way. Justice lands a few strikes. Kong and Justice shoulder block each other at the same time. Justice clutches at his shoulder. Justice does a few squats, then hits the ropes. Justice runs into Kong’s fist. Kong shakes his head. Kong hits a top rope splash for the pin fall.

Winner- Kongo Kong

After the match, Kong beats down Justice. Mahabali Shera makes the save.


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