WWE 205 Live Results (8/22): Akira Tozawa Gets His Rematch for the Cruiserweight Title, Gentleman’s Duel, WWE Raw Star Debuts & More

wwe 205 live results

WWE 205 Live Results

August 22, 2017
Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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Drew Gulak & Tony Nese vs. Cedric Alexander & Gran Metalik

Gulak cut a full promo on his way to the ring, talking about all of his different muscle groups. He trashed the Brooklyn crowd for eating pizza and looking like slobs, and how difficult it must be for them to be in the same building as someone like the Premier Athlete.

Alexander started things off with tons of dropkicks and high-flying takedowns on Nese, backing him into the ropes for safety. Gulak came in and took a few cheap shots, but Metalik tagged in and took both heels down with some fantastic maneuvers. That guy is just ridiculously talented and should have had a title shot by now. Nese tagged back in and knocked Metalik loopy with a stiff forearm shot in the corner. He dragged him up to the top rope but got crotched and sent down to the floor, and Gran Metalik followed with a high elevation crossbody from the top turnbuckle. Tags to both men were made and Alexander lit up his opponents with uppercuts and dropkicks. He hit Gulak with a shoulder in the corner and a step-up enzuigiri to the back of the neck. He followed with the summersault lariat, diving through the ropes, but Gulak got his shoulder up at two. Drew followed with a huge tackle out of the corner, but Metalik made the blind tag and he didn’t see it. The babyfaces cleaned house and Metalik went back up top, walking the ropes and hitting a springboard splash for another nearfall. Alexander flew out of nowhere with a springboard dropkick, then tagged in for his team. The two hit stereo tope con hilos and all four men crashed to the floor below. Cedric looked to put things away but got caught in a school boy for a very close nearfall. Lumbar Check connects, and Alexander gets the pin.

Winners: Cedric Alexander & Gran Metalik