WWE 205 Live Results (8/15): Akira Tozawa & Titus Worldwide’s Championship Celebration, Cruiserweight Tag Team Action

wwe 205 live results

WWE 205 Live Results

August 15th, 2017
Report By Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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Welcome to WWE 205 Live! We have a brand new Cruiserweight Champion and Akira Tozawa will be here later on alongside Titus Worldwide to celebrate their great victory.

Gran Metalik & Cedric Alexander vs. Tony Nese & Drew Gulak

Nese talked about his muscles and pointed out all of his abs on the way to the ring. Drew Gulak cut a promo on the way to the ring talking about how much he hates showoffs…as Tony was still pointing at his abs.

The match was all Alexander and Metalik throughout, almost exclusively. Cedric started things out with some beautiful dropkicks that sent Nese running for the kills. Gulak tagged in and took a shotgun dropkick as well. In came Metalik who fired off with some stunning lucha style offense, including a crazy armdrag and headscissors takedown. Nese got in his first shot with a stiff shoulder block that turned his opponent inside out, but the babyfaces quickly got back into the game as Metalik hit a springboard moonsault all the way to the floor, taking out Tony Nese as he was trying to escape. They continued the beatdown completely schooling the heels for several minutes, including a springboard hurricanrana from the top rope with Nese crotched in the high rent district. Nese blocked a clothesline with an incredible kip-up into a superkick, but it wasn’t enough to shake off the high-flying offense as Metalik took him to the floor. Alexander picked up the win with a double knee gutbuster.

Winners: Cedric Alexander & Gran Metalik

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