WWE RAW Results (7/24) Huge Title Matches Set for SummerSlam, Jason Jordan’s In Ring Debut, Rollins and Ambrose Take on Miz and the Miztourage!


wwe raw resultsWWE Raw Results
July 24th, 2017
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In Ring Segment: Kurt Angle

Angle welcomes the WWE Universe to the show. Angle notes that he had a private matter that distracted him from his GM Duties. Last week, Angle introduced us to his son, Jason Jordan. Angle announces that Jordan will have his first match on Monday Night Raw. Jordan is only being given an opportunity. It’s up to Jordan to make the most of it. Speaking of opportunity, Angle gave  Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns one last week. Braun Strowman had other plans. As Angle is about to announce who will face Lesnar at SummerSlam Strowman’s music hits. Strowman power walks to the ring and gets in Angle’s face. Strowman says the next word out of Angle’s mouth better be “Braun Strowman” or else. Strowman one his match at Great Ball of Fire, unlike Reigns and Joe. Strowman says Lesnar fears Strowman. Strowman is going to break Lesnar in half. Samoa Joe stomps down to the ring. Joe says Strowman is lucky because they have never crossed paths until now. Joe says he is the man who came with seconds of putting Lesnar to sleep. He is the one who doesn’t fear Lesnar. Joe gets really close to Strowman and adds that he doesn’t fear Strowman either. Angle steps between them to break it up. Joe adds that as a courtesy he isn’t going to kick Strowman’s teeth down his throat. Reigns and Strowman have un finished business. Angle should let those two finish up and give Lesnar to Joe.

Reigns has heard enough and decides to make his way to the ring. Reigns says Joe hasn’t done anything and Strowman has only been here for a hiccup. Reigns runs down his list of accomplishments. Reigns tries to get in Joe’s face and Angle splits them up. Angle says everyone has made valid points. Angle books a fatal four-way for the Universal Championship. Joe yells that he should be getting a one-on-one match against Lesnar. Strowman says he doesn’t care how many people are in the match, he only cares about stacking bodies. Reigns tells Strowman to shut up and decks him. Joe and Reigns double team Strowman. Reigns and Joe dump Strowman over the barricade. Joe punches Reigns in the throat. As Joe is beating down Reigns Strowman hits the ring and destroys EVERYONE. Angle calls for security, which is quickly dispatched by Strowman. Joe jumps on Strowman’s back and locks in the Coquina Clutch. The WWE locker room empties to try to break it up. Reigns spears Strowman and Joe at the same time. Strowman hits the running power slam on Reigns.

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