WWE Money In The Bank Results

WWE Money In The Bank Results (5/19/19)

May 19, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Money in the Bank Notes, More.

Kickoff Show:

Daniel Bryan and Rowan vs. The Usos

Bryan lands a shoulder block. Jimmy chops Bryan. Jey tags in and lands a chop of his own. Rowan tags in and runs over Jey. Bryan and Rowan take turns beating down Jey. Bryan runs right into a Samoan drop by Jey. Jimmy gets the tags. Jimmy takes down Rowan with a whisper in the wind. Rowan kicks out. Jimmy tries a crossbody but Rowan turns it into a jackhammer for a near fall. Rowan and both Usos battle on the top rope. Rowan double suplexes the Usos off the top. Rowan tags in Bryan. Bryan lands the yes kicks on Jey. Jey reverses the last kick into a dragon whip. Superkick by Jey. Jey goes up top. Jey dives off the top right into the LeBell Lock. Jimmy breaks it up. Rowan catches both Usos as they try to dive into him. The Usos have a superkick party on Rowan’s face. Double suicide dives by the Usos on Rowan. Bryan tries a dive but the Usos double superkick him. The Usos hit the Double Uce on Bryan for the win!

Winners- The Usos

Main Card

Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Mandy Rose vs. Ember Moon vs. Naomi vs. Bayley vs. Dana Brooke vs. Nikki Cross vs. Natalya vs. Carmella

A huge brawl breaks out. Cross has Brooke and Carmella ties up in the apron. Cross beats them both down. Cross picks up a ladder and hits everyone with it. Cross puts the ladder on her head and spins around, striking everyone. Brooke dropkicks the ladder into Cross. Moon and Brooke fight over the ladder. Moon forces Brooke into the corner. Moon slams Cross on the ladder. Rose runs up the ladder and knees Brooke in the face. Carmella pushes Mandy off the top rope. Natalya clotheslines Carmella. Natalya slingshots Carmella into the ladder. Natalya tries to do the same to Naomi, but Naomi lands on the ladder and hits a disaster kick. Rose reverse suplexes, Naomi. Brooke tries to climb the ladder as Moon and others are holding it. Brooke is tossed off. Rose kicks the ladder into Carmella’s knee. Carmella may actually be hurt. Naomi walks the ladders and dropkicks Rose into a ladder. The other women try to sandwich Naomi but Naomi does a split to avoid it. Carmella walks to the back with the medical staff. Brooke lays Moon on a ladder. Brooke hits a handspring back elbow. Bayley sunset bombs Brooke into a ladder.

Bayley sets up the ladder but Rose cuts her off. Rose and Natalya close the ladder on Bayley. Namoi split legged moonsaults Bayley while she is on the ladder. Cross hits her finisher on Moon. Brooke hits Cross in the head with a ladder. Brooke climbs the ladder. Rose cuts her off. Brooke hangs from the briefcase. Rose and Brooke trade punches. Naomi and Bayley cut her off. Cross runs up Bayley’s back. Natalya pushes everyone off the ladder. Natalya turns around and Moon leaps from a ladder outside the ring into the ring and hits the Eclipse on Natalya. Rose hits Angel’s Wings on the ladder to Moon. Carmella limps down to the ring. Carmella tosses Rose into the barricade. Carmella starts to climb. Sonya Deville runs down to the ring and pulls Carmella off the ladder. Deville spears Carmella. Deville sets up the ladder and helps Rose into the ring. Deville carries Rose up the ladder. Bayley knocks them both off the ladder. Bayley pulls down the briefcase for the win!

Winner Miss Money in the Bank, Bayley!

WWE Money In The Bank Live Results Continue On The Next Page!