Impact Wrestling Results (6/15): Low-Ki Defends the X-Division Title Against Sonjay Dutt, And More!

Low-Ki misses a torpedo dropkick. Dutt sends Low-Ki to the outside. Dutt baseball slides Low-Ki into the guard rail. Low-Ki waist locks Dutt and drives him back first into the barricade. Low-Ki and Dutt battle into the stands. Dutt tosses Low-Ki off the platform into the ring apron. Dutt moonsault onto Low-Ki but only manages a glancing blow. Dutt sets up a slice bread no/ 2 on the outside but Low-Ki counters it and sends Dutt back first into the ring steps. After the break, Low-Ki locks in the cobra twist. Dutt fights out of the hold. Low-Ki tries to springboard but Dutt catches him with a neck breaker. Low-Ki hits a roll through dropkick for a near fall. Dutt runs into a flapjack but Low-Ki. Low-Ki takes off his jacket.

Low-Ki obliterates Dutt with a cartwheel head kick. Low-Ki mounts the top rope for the Warrior’s Way but Dutt cuts him off. Dutt tries a superplex but Low-Ki pushes him off the top. Dutt pops back up and hits a high knee to Low-Ki’s face. Dutt hits a superplex for a long two count. Dutt attempts a sunset flip. Low-Ki slams Dutt’s head down to the mat and double foot stomps Dutt in the chest. Low-Ki sits Dutt on the top rope. Dutt counters and hits a tornado DDT. Dutt hits a frog splash off the top for the win!

Winner and NEW X-Division Champion, Sonjay Dutt!

After the match, the faces empty the locker room and hit the ring to celebrate with Dutt.

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