Impact Wrestling Results (6/15): Low-Ki Defends the X-Division Title Against Sonjay Dutt, And More!

Josh Matthews Public Sparring Session

Matthews tells the crowd that at Slammiversary he and Big Poppa Pump are going to abolish Joseph Park and Jeremy Borash from Impact Wrestling. Matthews notes that the idiots that run Impact Wrestling have ordered him not to touch JB until the PPV. Matthews has handpicked his opponent for tonight. Matthews runs down his opponents “accomplishments”.

Sandip Takar vs Josh Matthews

Matthews hip tosses Takar. Matthews immediately celebrates on the top rope. Drop toe hold by Matthews. Matthews rides Takar’s back. Takar arm drags Matthews twice, then hits a dropkick. Matthews low blows Takar. Matthews goes up top and hits a swanton bomb. Matthews picks up Takar and puts him in the Steiner Recliner for the tap out victory.

Winner- Josh Matthews

After the match, Mahabali Shera comes out to save Takar. Bobby Lashley runs down to the ring and attacks Shera. Matthews puts Shera in the Steiner Recliner. Alberto El Patron sprints down to the ring and chases Lashley away.


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