WWE RAW Results (5/29): Huge Triple Threat Match, Reigns Takes on Rollins, Final Hype for Extreme Rules!

Dean Ambrose and The Hardy Boyz vs The Miz, Sheamus and Cesaro w/Maryse

Miz and Cesaro stomp Matt in the corner. Sheamus tags in and lands a few kidney shots, followed by a clothesline for a two count. Sheamus locks in a rear chin lock. Matt fights out but Sheamus takes him down with a knee to the gut. Ten beats of the Bohdan… well, more like two beats of the Bohdan. The crowd starts to count with Sheamus so Sheamus stomps. Cesaro tags in and boots Jeff off the apron. Matt back body drops Cesaro and tags in Ambrose. Ambrose clears the ring. Ambrose almost hits dirty deeds. Sheamus misses a Brogue kick. Swinging neck breaker by Ambrose. Ambrose mounts the top rope. Cesaro distracts Ambrose long enough for Sheamus to lands a high knee. Ambrose falls off the top rope.

After a short break, Miz is kicking Ambrose in the chest. Ambrose rolls up Miz for a two count. Cesaro tags in but Ambrose dumps him over the top rope. Ambrose tries to tag out but Miz pulls both Hardyz off the apron. Cesaro tags in Sheamus. Sheamus hits white noise for a near fall. Sheamus sits Ambrose on the top rope. Ambrose fights Sheamus off and hits a diving elbow off the top. Ambrose tags in Jeff. Jeff and Matt hit poetry in motion. Ambrose hits dirty deeds on Cesaro. Matt tries to hit the twist of fate on Miz but Miz rotates as if its a neck breaker… strange. Jeff lands the swanton off the top for the win!

Winners- Dean Ambrose and The Hardy Boyz

Corey Graves gets a phone call and gets up and leaves the commentary desk in a huff.