WWE RAW Results (5/29): Huge Triple Threat Match, Reigns Takes on Rollins, Final Hype for Extreme Rules!

wwe raw resultsWWE RAW Results

May 29th, 2017
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In Ring Segment: Miz TV

Miz welcomes the crowd to Miz TV. Miz says he is ready for Extreme Rules. Miz says Ambrose is a waste of space. Last time Miz faced Ambrose, Ambrose got himself disqualified. Miz went to Raw GM Kurt Angle and asked for a match were if Ambrose gets disqualified he will lose the Intercontinental Championship. Miz says after this Sunday he will be the seven-time Intercontinental champion. Miz introduces his guest tonight: Cesaro and Sheamus. Miz says no two superstars deserve to become champions more than Cesaro and Sheamus (well, other than Miz himself, of course). Miz points out that the Hardy Boyz came here and stole their opportunity at the Raw tag team championships. Sheamus says the fans are fickle and are focused on the fancy new toy. Miz goes on a rant about how his comeback tour is going to start at Extreme Rules.

Dean Ambrose’s music hits and Ambrose makes his way to the ring. Ambrose says he doesn’t always make great decisions but when he see three butt heads like Cesaro, Sheamus, and Miz he has to come out to shut their mouths. Miz says Ambrose is either crazy or stupid. They have the numbers. Ambrose says he may be crazy but he isn’t stupid. The Hardy Boyz hit the ring. Ambrose and the Hardyz clear the ring.