WWE RAW Results (4/10): Multiple SmackDown Live Stars Move to Raw, Strowman Obliterates Reigns, Champion vs Champion Main Event!

wwe-raw-2016-coverageWWE RAW Results

April 10th, 2017
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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John Cena’s music hits and the crowd goes nuts. The Miz and Maryse come out on the ramp dressed as John Cena and Nikki Bella. Miz lets the crowd know that the champ his here. Everyone knows that John Cena rule number one is that you can not chant Cena sucks. Of course, the crowd breaks into a Cena sucks chant. “John” says he knows that they made everyone happy when they told us that they were going away to Hollywood. “Nikki” adds that Hollywood didn’t want them. Much to everyone’s surprise, Dean Ambrose’s music hits and he walks to the ring, with the Intercontinental title. Ambrose says it’s nice to see John Cena and Nikki Bella.

Ambrose adds he had no idea he would come to Raw and see familiar faces. Ambrose congratulates “John” and “Nikki” on their engagement. Miz tries to tell Ambrose that they are not really Cena and Nikki. Ambrose cuts Mz off and says that if he doesn’t get this out Cena will go on for hours so let him this out. Ambrose congratulates Cena and Nikki on beating Miz and Maryse at WrestleMania… because those two are the worst! Ambrose congratulates Cena on proving the critics wrong while doing the voice overs for the elephant who eats nuts. That was great work. Just don’t go doing anything stupid like making “The Marine 5”. Miz yells at Ambrose that they aren’t really Cena and Nikki. Ambrose says “well in that case…” and gives Miz dirty deeds.