WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (10/9/20)

October 9, 2020
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Stephanie McMahon is presiding over the draft picks for tonight’s Draft. Stephanie walks out on the stage.

RAW’s first pick is WWE Champion Drew McIntyre

SmackDown selects Universal Champion Roman Reigns

RAW Selects RAW Women’s Champion Asuka

SmackDown selects Seth Rollins

RAW selects The Hurt Business

Backstage, Seth Rollins says it was never about the name, its the message that matters the most. He doesn’t have to be the MONDAY Night Messiah. Rollins is a little disappointed he won’t get to see the Mysterio family implode.

Falls Count Anywhere Match: Big E. vs. Sheamus

Sheamus runs over Big E and gets a near fall. Rollins senton by Sheamus. Big E kicks out again. Sheamus runs into a uranage by Big E. Sheamus rolls out to the apron. Big E spears Sheamus through the ropes. Big E goes for a weapon under the ring but only find large Booty O’s. Big E eventually finds a kendo stick. Sheamus knees Big E in the head for a near fall. Sheamus ties Big E up in the rope. Sheamus hits Big E with a kendo stick over and over again. Sheamus goes under the ring. Big E duct taps Sheamus’s ankles together. Big E hits Sheamus with the kendo stick multiple times.

Sheamus falls over the barricade. After the break, Big E dumps food all over Big E backstage. Big E beats Sheamus with a broom. Sheamus hits white noise on a car windshield. Big E kicks out. Sheamus slams a car door on Big E. Sheamus almost slams a car trunk on Big E’s arm. Big E avoids it. Sheamus Brogue kicks the trunk off of the car as Big E ducks. Big E powerbombs Sheamus on a car hood. Big E hits the Big Ending off a car through a table for the win.

Winner- Big E


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