WWE 205 Live Results (3/28): Kendrick vs Tozawa, Daivari/Swann, A World Without Neville?


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WWE 205 Live Results
March 28th, 2017
Report by Josh Lopez for WrestleZone.com

First Match: Rich Swann vs. Ariya Daivari 

Daivari shakes hands with Swann before the bell rings. Daivari with a go-behind to Swann. Daivari connects with the waist lock takedown. Daivari applies a wrist lock. Swann responds with an arm-bar. More chain grappling as Daivari applies a side headlock. Daivari drops Swann with a shoulder tackle. Swann and Daivari begin to run the ropes. Swann leapfrogs over Daivari. Swann dropkicks Daivari. Daivari rolls out of the ring. Daivari launches Swann face first to the announce table.

Daivari irish whips Swann into the steel ring post. Daivari lands a series of right hands. Daivari begins to talk smack to Swann. Daivari rolls Swann back into the ring. Daivari with the cover for a two count. Daivari connects with the Short-Arm Clothesline for a two count. Daivari repeatedly drives his elbow across the chest of Swann. Daivari grounds Swann with a rear chin lock.

Daivari sends Swann back first into the turnbuckles for a two count. Daivari goes for the Frog Splash, but Swann ducks out of the way. Daivari and Swann trades shots. Daivari with a leaping knee strike to Swann. Swann plants Daivari with a Modified Michinoku Driver for a two count. Daivari gets Swann in the Cobra Clutch. Daivari follows that up with a Neck Breaker. Daivari with the Frog Splash for a two count. Swann with a Top Rope Hurricanrana. Swann connects with the Phoenix Splash to pickup the victory.

Winner: Rich Swann