Ring Of Honor All Star Extravaganza 8 Results (9/30) – Cole vs Elgin, Lethal/Naito, Ladder War 6

Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography

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Ring of Honor All-Star Extravaganza 8 Results
September 30th, 2016
Report by Joshua Lopez for WrestleZone.com

First Match: Bobby Fish (c) vs. Donovan Dijak w/Prince Nana for the Ring of Honor World Television Championship 

Fish and Dijak adhere to the code of honor. Fish kicks Dijak in the leg. Fish backs himself into the ropes. Fish gives instructions to Dijak. Fish grabs Dijak by his ankle. Fish kicks Dijak in the thigh. Fish with a leg kick to the left knee of Dijak. Fish goes for a single leg takedown, but Dijak blocks it. Dijak connects with a snap thrust kick. Dijak whips Fish to the ropes. Fish rolls out of the ring. Fish requests a timeout. Fish ducks a clothesline from Dijak. Fish goes for a crossbody, but Dijak catches him. Dijak places Fish on the ring apron. Fish ducks another clothesline from Dijak. Fish gets Dijak in a rear naked choke from the ring apron.

Fish with a Stinger Splash to Dijak. Dijak drops Fish with a discus boot for a two count. Dijak stomps on Fish’s back for a two count. Dijak with a forearm smash that sends Fish into the corner. Dijak stomps on Fish’s chest. Dijak connects with a slingshot dropkick for a two count. Dijak with a release suplex to Fish for a two count. Dijak lands another forearm to Fish in the corner. Dijak gets Fish in the cravate. Fish with a right hand to the gut of Dijak. Fish stomps on Dijak’s foot. Fish drives Dijak into the corner. Fish goes for a exploder suplex, but Dijak blocks it.