Samoa Joe Minoru Suzuki AEW Dynamite
Image Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (4/13/22)

Tonight on AEW Dynamite, ROH TV Champion Minoru Suzuki puts his title on the line against Samoa Joe and CM Punk takes on Penta El Zero M in singles action.

April 13, 2022, New Orleans, LA
Commentary: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur

CM Punk vs. Penta El Zero M

The two stand nose to nose before Penta “Zero M’s” Punk. Hard chops are traded in the center of the ring and that prompts “A-E-Dub” chants. Punk hip tosses Penta. He stomps and covers for two. Punk goes for a GTS but Penta turns it into an ankle lock. Punk sends him into the corner for a rising knee strike. Penta hits two sling blades for a two count. We go to break, but after Punk falls awkwardly up top and Bryce Remsburg checks on him. After a bit, Penta continues the attack.  Punk gets propped up top but Punk turns it around and nails a beauty of a Frankensteiner. Rsiing knee strike sets up for a GTS, but Penta knees free. Penta goes to snap the arm, but Punk firemans him over for the Anaconda Vice. Penta makes it to the ropes. The two soon fight on the apron and Punk roundhouse kicks him back in the ring for a springboard lariat. Running knee in corner to a short arm clothesline. Punk signals for the GTS. Penta blocks it. Penta tries his package driver but Punk gets free and pins are traded. Power kick from Penta. Penta springboards, but gets caught with a GTS. 1-2-3.


Angelo Parker and Matt Lee have their shoes stolen and their thumbs twisted courtesy of Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz.

AEW World Tag Team Championship

ReDRagon vs. Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus (with Christian Cage)

The battle goes back and forth before RD isolates Luchasaurus. JB  gets the tag and changes momentum. Dives on the outside go down courtesy of Luchasaurus and JB. Bobby Fish catch JB on the apron with a dragon screw and an arm wrench. We go to break. Back from it, JB makes the hot tag to Luchasaurus who unloads a flurry of impressive offense. Double chokeslam and a standing moonsault press to O’Reilly. Two count. JB and Luchasaurus hit a sidewalk slam diving elbow for a near fall, but Bobby Fish kicks out. Tremendous double team work by RD sets KOR up to lock in an armbreaker on Jungle Boy, but he makes it to the ropes. KOR hits an avalanche falcon arrow over a guillotine’d Luchasaurus, but Lucha slams Fish down on KOR to break up the pin. Hard strikes are traded and JB hits a DDT on KOR. The champs hit a Thorasic Express for the 1-2-3.

WINNERS and STILL AEW World Tag Team Champions: Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus

Post-match, RD attacks the champs, but FTR come out to play interference.

We cut to the Blackpool Combat Club with new member Wheeler Yuta. They note that they’re going to take on The Gunn Club and Wheeler notes now the real work begins.

After break, Tony Schiavone tells Jamie Hayter and Toni Storm that they’re going to face off in the opening round of the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament.  Jamie says that she and Toni are like Owen in that they honed their craft in Japan and Europe. Toni says nothing and walks away.

MJF vs. Shawn Dean

Match starts with MJF acting like he can’t take his jacket off and it opens him up to attack Dean underhandedly. We cut backstage on the big screen and see that security is taken out. MJF is concerned as he takes Dean to the outside. “We want Wardlow” chants start. MJF gloats on the outside but turns around to see Wardlow in a security tee. MJF bails and Wardlow pursues. Spears catches Wardlow with a chair, who is unphased. He powerbombs a security guard on the apron. Wardlow is being held back by 12 security guards. MJF tries to bribe Bryce Remsburg not to count him out, but Bryce does it anyway.

WINNER: Shawn Dean

MJF is pissed and gets in a confrontation with Remsburg as this goes on Wardlow takes out more security backstage and vows to get released from MJF’s contract one way or another.

Darby Allin wants a coffin match against Andrade El Idolo.

Chris Jericho, Jake Hager & Daniel Garcia vs. Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz

Eddie comes out with Junkyard Dog “THUMP” tee on. Santana and Ortiz start off the festivities against JAS, but Eddie gets fired up with attacks on the outside. Eddie bites an adversary before the three faces gang up on Jericho. “Eddie” chants are followed by “Ortiz” chants. Eddie takes on Garcia on the outside, but Ortiz gets flattened pancake style by Jericho and Jake. Ortiz gets isolated as we all head to break. Eddie gets the hot tag long after the break and Santana pays homage to Eddie with a frog splash. Two count kick out by Garcia. The fight wages on until Jericho cracks Eddie in the back with Flyod and Daniel gets the roll up win.

WINNERS: Jericho Appreciation Society

MJF challenges Wardlow to a match against the Butcher.

Marina Shafir vs. Skye Blue

Marina is obviously dominant as Jade is shown watching on backstage. Marina cinches in a triangle and Blue submits.

WINNER: Marina Shafir

Hook will be debuting on AEW Dynamite next week as Lexi Nair tries to get a word from him. Mark Sterling and Tony Nese enter and that gets Hook a bit fired up. He tosses a medicine ball behind him and Danhausen catches it.

Scorpio Sky will defend his TNT Title against Sammy Guevara at Battle of the Belts.

Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks vs. Swerve Strickland & Keith Lee

Swerve and Starks start it off before Ricky makes the tag to Hobbs. Swerve twists at Hobbs who flings him off. Big toss from Hobbs to Swerve. Starks gets the tag and does some Undertaker “Old School” action. Big shoulder tackle a pose from Starks. Swerve turns it around and tags in Keith Lee. Starks gets a hard chest slap from Keith Lee.  Swerve planchas on top of his foes to the outside. We go to break.Back from it, Swerve is fighting to get the tag in. He eventually does and Lee his a house of fire. Starks is the target. Lee tosses Starks into Hobbs.  Combo assault to Starks, but Starks musters a shoulder up.

Starks ends up spearing Swerve and then nailing a Canadian Destroyer. A very near fall. Swerve sets Starks up for a drop-down pounce to Lee. He covers but Hobbs makes the save. Starks goes for a Roshambeaux as Taz walks out. Lee tosses him. Hobbs and Swerve brawl it out on the outside and Hobbs gets shoved into the post. Starks ultimately nails Keith from up top with a spear. He covers but Swerve comes out with a 450.  Lee is fired up but Taz grabs his leg and Hobbs hits an Anderson spinebuster for the 1-2-3.

WINNERS: Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks

Thunder Rosa is presented a cake from Nyla Rose. She gets it shoved in her face and it causes her to accidentally hit Vickie Guerrero.

ROH TV Championship
Minoru Suzuki (c) vs. Samoa Joe

Bell sounds and chops and slaps are exchanged. This goes on for a LONG TIME. That last sentence continues for about four to five minutes more. Then forearms are exchanged. Joe shoulder tackles Minoru down. Minoru catches Samoa Joe in the ropes with an armbreaker and we go to the outside but we go to break.

Back from it, Joe has Minoru in a crossface. He makes it to the ropes. Chops are exchanged again. Minoru locks in a standing crossface and Joe slams him down. Joe and Suzuki keep battling on and Minoru  takes Joe in the corner. Joe nails a muscle buster and secures the 1-2-3.

WINNER and NEW ROH World TV Champion: Samoa Joe

Post-match, Jay Lethal flips off Joe and the lights go out. On come the lights and it’s Satnam Singh Bhamara. He face crushes Joe as Jay Lethal hits his Lethal Injection and draps his new title over him. Show ends


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