Lucha Underground Results (9/14) – Mil Muertes Returns, Killshot vs The Moth, Dario Cueto’s Investigation


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Lucha Underground Results
September 14th, 2016
Report By Joshua Lopez for

Captain Vasquez, Cortez Castro and Joey Ryan Segment: 

Castro wants justice for what happen to Mr. Cisco. Captain Vasquez tells Castro to calm down. Joey Ryan laughs in the background. Castro shoves Ryan into the wall. Captain Vasquez says that this war is more important than getting justice for Mr. Cisco.

First Match: Dr. Wagner w/Famous B and Brenda vs. Mascarita Sagrada 

Sagrada with a waist lock go-behind move to Wagner. Wagner powers out of the waist lock and gets Sagrada in a hammer lock. Sagrada connects with a armdrag takedown. Sagrada goes for a crossbody, but Wagner counters with the Wagner Driver to pick up the victory. 

Winner: Dr. Wagner