Lucha Underground Results (12/7) – The Battle Of The Bulls Tournament Begins


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Lucha Underground Results
December 7th, 2016
Report By Joshua Lopez for

Dario Cueto & Angelico Segment: 

Angelico walks into Cueto’s office. Cueto calls Angelico, the boy that can fly. Cueto wants to know what Angelico wants? Angelico wants to fight Johnny Mundo right now. He says that the Lucha Underground Championship doesn’t even need to be on the line. Cueto says that he can’t grant Angelico the match because, his hands are tied. Mundo’s lawyer is a real shark. Angelico says that maybe he should lawyer up considering everything that’s been done to him.

Cueto reminds Angelico of the risk that comes with participating in the temple, and even though Cueto feels sorry for the pain Angelico has been through, it’s not his fault. Cueto is right. Angelico extends his hand out for a handshake. Angelico proceeds to grab Cueto by the arm and says that he can bring the Falls of the Angels to his desk right now. Cueto says that Angelico will get his opportunity at Mundo, but he has to win a brand new tournament called the, Battle of the Bulls. The winner of this tournament will take on Johnny Mundo for the Lucha Underground Championship. Angelico says that after he wins the tournament, not only will Mundo need a lawyer, he’ll need an Undertaker.