WWE SummerSlam Results (8/21) – Lesnar vs Orton, Styles/Cena, Two New Champions Crowned, More

Fourth Match: AJ Styles vs. John Cena 

Styles and Cena locks up. Styles gets Cena tied up in a waist lock. Styles transitions into a side headlock. Styles talks smack to Cena. Styles leapfrogs over Cena. Styles connects with a beautiful dropkick. Cena drops Styles with a big right hand. Cena launches Styles chest first into the corner. Cena irish whips Styles back first into the other side of the ring. Cena drops Styles with another right hand. Cena gets Styles in position for the Attitude Adjustment, but Styles counters with a suplex on the ring apron. Styles rolls Cena back into the ring. Cena connects with a big back body drop for a one count. Cena applies a rear chin lock. Styles with a vicious forearm to Cena. Cena fires back with a dropkick for a two count. Cena with a snap suplex. Cena headbutt’s Styles. Styles fires up with his lightning quick offense. Styles with a running forearm to Cena. Cena with two shoulder blocks. Cena follows that up with a side slam. Cena connects with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Styles gets back on his feet.

Styles plants Cena with the Styles Clash for a two count. Cena drops Styles with a snap Attitude Adjustment for a two count. Cena places Styles on the top rope. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment off the second rope, but Styles gets back on his feet. Styles gets Cena in the Torture Rack and transitions into a sitout powerbomb for a two count. Cena catapults Styles face first into the top turnbuckle. Cena drops Styles with a ace crusher for a two count. Styles rolls Cena up for a two count. Styles plants Cena with the Yushigorshi for a two count. Styles with two forearms to Cena. Styles goes for  Springboard 450 Splash, but Cena ducks out of the way. Cena drops Styles with the Canadian Destroyer for a two count. Styles drops Cena with a german suplex. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Cena gets Styles trapped in the STF. Styles counters with a crossface.

Cena tries to power out of the crossface with the Attitude Adjustment, but Styles gets Cena in the Calf Crusher. Cena reverses and gets Styles in the STF. Styles gets Cena in a pinning position for a two count. Styles drops Cena with a enziguri. Cena plants Styles with a Tornado DDT for a two count. Cena with a flying legdrop to Styles for a two count. Cena places Styles on the top rope. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment off the top rope, but Styles lands on the ring apron. Styles connects with the Springboard Hurricanrana. Styles follows that up with the Phenomenal Forearm for a two count. Styles kicks Cena in the back of Cena’s leg. Cena drops Styles with a clothesline. Cena with the Attitude Adjustment off the second rope for a two count. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Styles counters with the Styles Clash. Styles follows that up with the Phenomenal Forearm to pickup the victory. 

Winner: AJ Styles