WWE Crown Jewel Results

WWE Crown Jewel Results – 10/21/21

WWE Crown Jewel Results – October 21, 2021
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

WWE Crown Jewel Kickoff Show 
The Usos vs. The Hurt Business (Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin)

Shelton and Cedric isolate Jey early and work to keep him grounded on the mat, working on his left arm. Shelton gets a near fall as commentary notes that Jimmy hasn’t been in the match yet. Jey finally gets a hot tag after hitting a step-up enziguiri, and Jimmy comes in firing with strikes and a modified Samoan drop for two. Shelton cheap shots Jimmy, which allows Cedric to hit a Brainbuster for a near fall. Jey stops further interference as Shelton hits a fireman’s carry slam for two due to Jey stopping the count. Both teams connect with a flurry of kicks before Shelton hits Pay Dirt for two, then the Usos come back with in-stereo superkicks and tandem top rope Uso Splashes for the win.

Winners — The Usos

Hell In A Cell
Edge vs. Seth Rollins

Edge slugs it out with Rollins in the corner, then slingshots him over the top rope and into the cage. Rollins snaps Edge’s head on the top rope and knees him in the head, then Rollins takes part of a steel chair (that Edge initially brought in the ring) and tries to stab Edge in the eye with it. Rollins hits a low dropkick that sends Edge to the floor, then Rollins throws him headfirst into the cage a few times. Rollins starts to unload on Edge with a chair, then he ultimately jabs Edge in the eye with the chair rail and hits a frog splash for two.

Edge mounts a comeback and shoves Rollins off of the top turnbuckle and into the cage wall, and he crashes through a table that was set up underneath it. The ring steps are then brought into the ring and Edge ducks a punch and hits an Edge-O-Matic on top of them, then Edge heads up top with a chair and splashes Rollins on the stairs with it. A two count leads to the match continuing, and after some more back and forth, Edge hits a buckle bomb and spear for two. Edge brings a ladder into the mix and sets it up in the corner, but Rollins whips him into it and smashes it over his head. Rollins and Edge end up climbing the ladder in the corner, and Rollins ends up sending Edge through a table with a sunset flip powerbomb.

Somehow, Edge kicks out at two, and Rollins connects with a few superkicks while daring Edge to fight back. Rollins ends up wrapping a chain around his foot and connects with another superkick, then Rollins screams that ‘this is how your fairy tale ends’ and winds up for a stomp on the chair. Edge sits up and hits Rollins in the groin with the chair, then Edge backs into the corner and cracks Rollins with a superkick. Edge uses the chain around Rollins’ foot to choke him, then Edge takes a wrench and chokes him with it before inexplicably breaking the hold. Edge ends up putting Rollins’ head on a chair and connects with The Stomp to pick up the win.

Winner – Edge

Mansoor vs. Mustafa Ali

The match opens with some back and forth exchanges, then Mansoor hits a standing moonsault before sending Ali to the floor. Mansoor applies a waistlock as Ali gets back in, then Ali kicks him in the midsection and connects with a few chops in the corner. Mansoor mounts another comeback, so Ali retreats outside again before Mansoor connects with a kick through the ropes. Mansoor goes after him but Ali snaps Mansoor’s head back on the ring apron, then he taunts the crowd before rolling Mansoor back in to get a near fall. Ali applies a Camel Clutch, then Mansoor fights out, only to have Ali connect with a tornado DDT off the turnbuckles for two.

Ali screams that Mansoor is worthless as he kicks him, then Mansoor blocks a kick in the corner and drops him with a few right hands. Mansoor hits a step-up enziguiri and an atomic drop/spinebuster combo, then Ali retreats to the corner but Mansoor goes right at him. The referee starts a five-count before Ali charges him, then Mansoor hits a clothesline that sends Ali back to the floor. Ali hits a dropkick on the floor and rolls him back in, but Mansoor takes him down with a belly-to-belly and heads up top. Mansoor connects with a moonsault, but he’s slow to make the cover. Ali kicks out and applies a Koji Clutch, but Mansoor crawls to the bottom rope to break the hold. Ali comes up empty on a 450 splash, and Mansoor connects with a slingshot neckbreaker for the win.

Winner – Mansoor

Ali attacks Mansoor after the bell and stomps him before a masked man enters the arena. Ali is confused, then the man takes off his disguise to reveal it is Tareg Hamedi, an Olympic silver medalist in karate. Hamedi connects with a kick to the head that takes Ali out, then he celebrates and leaves with Mansoor to cheers.

WWE Raw Tag Team Championship
RK-Bro (Randy Orton and Riddle) (c) vs. AJ Styles and Omos

Riddle unloads on Styles in the corner with some kicks, then he takes Styles down for a near fall before catching him in a gutwrench hold and an airplane spin. Styles lands near his corner and tags out, and Omos makes quick of Riddle when he tries to strike. Orton gets the tag and Omos knocks him down too, then Styles gets back in and stomps Orton on the mat. Riddle ends up getting a hot tag and he connects with an exploder suplex and a Bro-ton for two, then Styles goes for a Styles Clash attempt but Riddle counters and kicks him in the head. Orton gets the tag and whips Styles into Omos, knocking him off of the apron, then Orton hits a powerslam while Riddle tries to hold Omos off in the corner. Omos kicks him away as Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Orton surprises him with a RKO off the ropes and Riddle ends it with a Floating Bro.

Winners – RK-Bro

Queen’s Crown Tournament Finals
Doudrop vs. Zelina Vega

Zelina talks some trash to Doudrop, who blocks a kick and backs Vega away. Vega tries to dive off of the top rope, but Doudrop catches her and follows with a bodyslam and an elbow drop. Doudrop heads to the middle rope, but Vega knocks her off of the turnbuckles before hitting a tornado DDT for two. Doudrop mounts a comeback and goes for a somersault splash, but Vega ducks out of the way and attacks before getting a near fall. Doudrop comes back with a sidewalk slam for two, then she follows with a running senton for another near fall. Out of nowhere, Zelina connects with a Code Red for the win.

Winner and 2021 Queen’s Crown winner — Zelina Vega

No Holds Barred
Goldberg vs. Bobby Lashley

Lashley wraps a chain around his hand and tries to hide it, but Goldberg blocks and meets him with some right hands in the corner. Lashley gets a shot in and Goldberg is already bleeding from the forehead as Lashley goes outside to get a chair. Lashley cracks him in the back a few times, then he wraps the chair around Goldberg’s knee and starts stomping it. Lashley jumps on the chair from the middle turnbuckle, then calls for Goldberg to get up as he readies in the corner. Lashley charges, but Goldberg sidesteps him and Lashley ends up crashing through the table set up in the opposite corner. Goldberg surprises Lashley with a spear, then he lifts him up and hits a Jackhammer.

Goldberg doesn’t go for the cover, and instead takes off his gloves and whips Lashley to the floor. Goldberg spears Lashley through the barricade and screams “you hurt my son, you’re dead” before he grabs the steel steps. Lashley tries to get away after trading some blows, but Goldberg follows him up the ramp. The Hurt Business comes down the ramp with kendo sticks, but Goldberg lays them out and picks up one of the kendo sticks. Lashley picks one up and they swing at each other, but Goldberg bests Lashley and hits him over the back with them. Goldberg breaks his over his knee, then he spears Lashley off of the stage and pins him on the floor.

Winner – Goldberg

King Of The Ring Tournament Finals
Finn Bálor vs. Xavier Woods

Balor takes control early on, getting a few near falls on Woods. Balor connects with Sling Blade, but Woods comes right back with a superkick out of the corner. Woods gets another near fall after a superplex, then he goes for an elbow drop but Balor gets his knees up. Balor connects with Sling Blade and a few strikes, Woods avoids the Coupe de Grace and gets a near fall roll up. Woods kicks Balor a few times and hits a gutbuster, then he heads up top and hits an elbow drop from the ropes to win.

Winner – Xavier Woods

WWE Championship
Big E (c) vs. Drew McIntyre

Drew takes early control, catching Big E with some strikes and a release suplex. Drew and E head outside, and Drew connects with a belly-to-belly before they head back inside. E regains control after a few suplexes of his own, but Drew turns things right back in his favor with a slam. Drew plays to the crowd before E slams him on the mat and hits a running splash for two. Drew gets a Michinoku driver for two, then he goes for a Glasgow Kiss but E counters with a backslide for two. Drew connects with a Future Shock DDT for two, then he goes for a Claymore but Big E catches him and hits a powerbomb before applying a stretch muffler submission.

Drew breaks free and hits the ropes, but Big E catches him with a Big Ending, surprisingly getting a two count. Big E takes him up top, but Drew counters with a bulldog for a near fall and the match continues. Drew catches Big E with a Claymore for a close two count, and the crowd erupts. Drew goes for his own Big Ending, but Big E counters, hits the ropes and connects with the Big Ending to retain.

Winner – Big E

WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship
Becky Lynch (c) vs. Bianca Belair vs. Sasha Banks

Bianca gets the upper hand with a fallaway slam on Sasha, then Becky pulls Bianca outside before knocking her into the barricade and going after Sasha in the ring. Sasha whips Becky into Bianca on the apron, then Sasha applies the Bank Statement before Bianca breaks it up. Becky catches her with a missile dropkick before getting a two count on Sasha, then she sets Sasha up in the corner and hits a legdrop off of the turnbuckles for a near fall. Sasha and Bianca briefly team up, whipping Becky into the corner, then Banks connects with a snap suplex, the first of the Three Amigos sequence. Sasha heads up top and aims for a Frog Splash, but Bianca rolls away and Becky runs back in, getting knocked into the corner by Bianca, who also throws Sasha out to the floor.

Becky counters a charging Bianca with a headscissors, then she tries to go for one of in the corner but Bianca blocks it. Becky kicks her back and fires back with an elbow in the corner, then Bianca counters another strike with a KOD attempt near the ropes. Bianca swings Becky into Sasha on the apron, and Becky floats over and out of the KOD attempt. Sasha runs back in and tries to score a surprise sunset flip, but Bianca stomps her as she drops Becky with a delayed suplex. Bianca is taken out of the mix as Sasha drops Becky and applies the Bank Statement, but Bianca comes right back in and hits a back handspring off the ropes into a moonsault to break the hold. Sasha and Bianca then square off and Sasha knocks Bianca down, mocking her by whipping her braid around. Bianca slams Sasha down and gets a bridge pinfall for two, broken up after Becky breaks up the attempt. Bianca gets knocked to the floor as Becky hits a Manhandle Slam, but Bianca breaks up the pin.

Becky and Bianca slug it out before they tie up in the corner, and Becky tries to pull Bianca by her braid in between the turnbuckles. Sasha knocks Becky off of the apron and tries to powerbomb Bianca on the floor, but Bianca fights back just as Becky jumps off of the commentary table and tackles them both. Becky rolls Bianca in the ring and slams her down, then applies the Dis-Arm-Her as Sasha runs back in. Becky takes her down and simultaneously applies the Dis-Arm-Her to Sasha and Bianca, but Bianca powers to her feet to break the hold. Becky takes control with a few kicks and goes for a Manhandle Slam, but Bianca blocks and connects with a KOD. Sasha breaks that up and tries to whip Bianca outside, but Bianca reverses and runs back towards Becky. Sasha trips her and pulls her outside, then Sasha runs back towards Becky, who rolls her up and holds the bottom rope out of the referee’s view to pick up the win.

Winner – Becky Lynch

WWE Universal Championship
Roman Reigns (c) vs. Brock Lesnar

Roman slugs it out with Brock, who goes for a German suplex early on. Brock gets one and stomps Roman in the corner, then Roman finally regains control and backs away to gather himself. Brock goes for a F-5 on the floor but Roman grabs the ring post, then Brock throws him inside but Roman catches him with a Superman punch on the apron. Reigns connects with a spear for two, then he readies himself and connects with two consecutive Superman punches. Lesnar avoids a spear and Reigns hits the ring post, then Lesnar follows with three German suplexes and calls for a F-5. Brock connects, but Reigns shockingly kicks out and Lesnar can’t believe it. Reigns counters another F-5 with a guillotine choke, then Brock breaks it with a spinebuster and goes for another F-5.

Reigns is knocked into the referee on the way down and Lesnar makes the cover, but the official is still down on the mat and doesn’t make the count. Lesnar picks him up and slams him on the apron, and Reigns spears Lesnar as he turns back towards the ring. Heyman slides the title in the ring and screams “you know what to do with it,” but it’s questionable as to who he threw the title to. Lesnar laughs and grabs the title before Roman can, but Brock turns into in-stereo superkicks by The Usos. Roman smashes Brock in the face with the title and throws it out of the ring, then a second referee runs in and makes the count.

Winner – Roman Reigns