WWE SummerSlam Results (8/21) – Lesnar vs Orton, Styles/Cena, Two New Champions Crowned, More

wwe summerslam

WWE SummerSlam Results
August 21st, 2016
Report By Josh Lopez for Wrestlezone.com

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First SummerSlam Kickoff Match: The Vaudevillians, The Ascension and Breezango vs. The American Alpha, The Usos and Hype Bro’s 

Breeze and Gable starts things off. Gable and Breeze locks up. Gable with a waistlock take downs. Breeze gets out of the waist lock with an back elbow. Roll through and Gable connects with the leg scissors takedown. Gable tags in Jey Uso. Breeze drives Jey into the corner. Breeze tags in English. English bounces Jey’s head on the top turnbuckle head. English kicks Jey in the gut. Jey with a uppercut to English. Jey bodyslams English. Jey tags in Rawley. Rawley with an arm ringer. Rawley connects with the back bodydrop. Rawley drives English into the corner and tags in Ryder. Ryder with a series of corner forearms to English.

Ryder goes for the Broski Boot, but a donnie brooke ensues as all the tag team storm into the ring. Ryder with a wrecking ball dropkick to Breezango. English whips Ryder face first into the steel ring post. Gotch with a leg sweep for a two count. Gotch applies an armbar to Ryder. Gotch tags in Viktor. Viktor with an european uppercut to Ryder. Viktor applies an rear chin lock. Ryder with a jaw breaker to Viktor. Viktor drives Ryder into the corner and tags in Konnor. Viktor drops Ryder with a leg lariat. Konnor goes for the pin, but Ryder kicks out at the count of two. Viktor tags in Breeze. Breeze stomps on Ryder’s chest in the corner. Breeze with a snap mare into a leg drop for a two count. Breeze applies a rear chin lock. Breeze with a leg scissors into a single leg crab. Fandango tags himself in.

Fandango with an guillotine leg drop. Viktor is tagged back in. Viktor applies a rear chin lock. Ryder clears the ring apron. Ryder drops Konnor with the neck breaker. Jimmy and Breeze are tagged in. Jimmy drops Breeze with the Samoan Drop. Jimmy with a enziguri to Konnor. Jordan tags himself in. Jordan with a over the belly to belly suplex to both member’s of Breezango. Jordan plants Gotch with an exploder suplex. Viktor with a sitout powerbomb to Gable. Rawley with a right hand that drops Konnor. Rawley with a modified tower of doom to Breezango. Ryder with a missile dropkick to Viktor. Usos with a superkicks in stereo that sends Ascension crashing to the outside. American Alpha drops Gotch with Grand Amplitude. Jey tags himself and connects with the Uso Splash to pickup the victory. 

Winner: American Alpha, The Usos and Hype Bro’s 

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