WWE SummerSlam Results (8/21) – Lesnar vs Orton, Styles/Cena, Two New Champions Crowned, More

Third Match: The Miz (c) w/Maryse vs. Apollo Crews for the WWE Intercontinental Championship 

Miz immediately drives Crews into the corner. Miz stomps on Crews chest in the corner. Miz with a running boot to the face of Crews for a two count. Miz goes for another running boot, but Crews rolls him up for a two count. Miz plants Crews with a inverted DDT for a two count. Miz applies a rear chin lock. Miz transitions into a front face lock. Miz launches Crews into the corner. Miz sends Crews face first into the ring apron. Miz rolls Crews back into the ring. Miz goes for a flying axe handle, but Crews counters with a dropkick in mid-air. Crews with a series of running clotheslines to Miz.

Crews follows that with the Stinger Splash. Crews connects with the crossbody for a two count. Miz goes for the Skul Crushing Finale, but Crews counters with a enziguri. Crews goes for a standing moonsault, but Miz gets his knee’s up in the air. Crews plants Miz with a powerslam for a two count. Miz connects with the flying clothesline in the corner. Crews drops Miz with a over the head belly to belly suplex. Crews follows that up with a standing moonsault for a two count. Miz kicks Crews in the knee. Miz heads to the outside. Crews rolls Miz back into the ring. Crews is distracted by Maryse. Miz whips Crews face first into the steel ring post. Miz plants Crews with the Skull Crushing Finale to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Still WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz