
WWE NXT Results (4/27): Finn Bálor vs Samoa Joe Highlights, Shinsuke Nakamura in Action!

NXT_coverageWWE NXT Results
April 27th 2016
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Asuka vs Eva Marie

Asuka immediately goes or a head kick, but Eva avoids it. Eva goes out to the apron and plays to the crowd. The crowd is a merciless with there “you can’t wrestle” chants. Asuka and Eva locks up and trade arm bars. Asuka drops Eva to the mat and kicks her in the back. Asuka and Eva lock up once again, with Eva getting the advantage. Eva sends Asuka crashing to the mat with a shoulder block. Eva blows a kiss to Asuka. Asuka returns the favor with a shoulder block of her own. Asuka hits her running hip attack. Eva gets up and charges Asuka, but she runs right into a Fujiwara arm bar. Eva gets to to the ropes and later retreats to the apron. Asuka hits the ropes and hip attacks her off the apron.

After a short break, Eva is pounding Asuka in the corner. Eva hits a big boot for a two count. Nia Jax is now at ringside cheering Eva on. Asuka misses a hip attack and gets tied up in the ring ropes. Eva elbows Asuka in the face sending her tumbling to the mat. Snap suplex by Eva. Eva then locks in a butterfly lock. Asuka fights out of the hold. Eva whips Asuka into the corner but Asuka hops up to the top rope and dives off with a drop kick. Asuka and Eva trade strike in the middle of the ring. Eva hits the ropes, but Asuka gives chase. Asuka drops Eva with a drop kick. Asuka unloads on Eva with multiple kicks to the chests. Asuka misses another head kick, which allows Eva to slam Asuka down to the mat by her head. Eva misses a running senton. Asuka hits a shining wizard. Asuka destroys Eva with a head kick for the win.

Winner- Asuka

After the match Nia Jax and Asuka have a brief stare down.