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NXT Dallas Live Event Results (1/27): Samoa Joe vs No Way Jose, Young & Dillinger Team Up, Big 6 Man Tag Match and More (Photos)

NXT Dallas Live Event Results
Dallas, TX
Results courtesy of

Third time for NXT in North Texas. First was a Wrestlemania promo event at AT&T Stadium in 2015. Then last year’s NXT Takeover: Dallas at Convention Center. South Side Ballroom is smaller than both, but it’s pretty full of hardcore fans and some families.

Preshow condensed classic match was Adrian Neville vs. Sami Zayn from NXT Takeover: R Evolution.

Cedric Alexander beat Wesley Blake. Crowd solid for Alexander even though Blake from San Antonio.

Ember Moon beats Aliyah. Moon got great reaction being from Dallas. Aliyah also impressed with wrestling improvement. Moon hugged family (?) in front row after match.

Roderick Strong beats Elias Samson. Samson sang a version of Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi, heeling Dallas. Strong teased hitting Samson with guitar but ref stopped.

The Revival beats Heavy Machinery. Dawson and Wilder joked about not wanting to wrestle bigger HM, including ringing bell and saying, “No!” when passed from bear hug to bear hug. Win came after  Otis Dozovic was dropped on exposed turnbuckle.

Eric Young vs. Tye Dillinger.    Big reaction both Young and Dillinger, but latter is way over. Dillinger wins despite interference from Killian Dain and Alexander Wolfe.

Samoa Joe pinned No Way Jose.  Joe looked to be in the best shape of his career.

WWE NXT Womens champion Asuka pinned Peyton Royce in a singles bout.  Nikki Cross and Billie Kaye got involved for a brawl after.

Samoa Joe beats No Way Jose.    Joe gets big reaction including Royal Rumble chant. Jose tries to dance with Joe, but shrugs when Joe does nothing. Some fun comedy with Joe giving an “eh,” hand gesture when the crowd yelled “Two…SWEET!” after a near fall. Joe wins with Cocina Clutch. Joe looks at imaginary wristwatch after match. Gets a “Thank you Joe,” and “See you Sunday.”

Asuka defeated Peyton Royce (w/Billie Kay).  Rematch from 2015 NXT event in AT&T Stadium but Women’s title on line. Royce promised to win “tomorrow.” She really worked Asuka’s arm during the match. Asuka wins with Asuka Lock. Post match Nikki Cross runs in and attacks champ. Goes for missile dropkick, but is hit by Billie Kay. Kay then eats kick from Asuka.

Shinsuke Nakamura, Tommaso Ciampa, and Johnny Gargano vs. Bobby Roode and The Authors of Pain.  Huge reaction for Roode with crowd singing his theme. Even bigger reaction for Nakamura.  Ciampa and the tattooed Akam start off, but Roode is tagged in. Ciampa tags in Nakamura after asking if the fans wanted Gargano or Nakamura. Nakamura keeps asking Roode to “Come on!” and Roode says, “No!” Roode also taunts Nakamura by saying, “One more day.”   Nakamura tags in Ciampa, then Roode tags in Razar. All six face off and brawl before it settles down to Ciampa being beaten down. Nakamura and Roode tagged in and wrestle a bit. Roode tries to pin Nakamura with legs on ropes but is caught.   Another brawl which ends after Gargano kicks the spit (not a typo) out of Roode, then Ciampa hits Razar with the knee. DIY takes out Razar, then Nakamura hits Kinshasa on Akam. Champs win.