Hacksaw Jim Duggan
(Photo Credit: Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images)

Jim Duggan Explains a Match Turned Shoot Fight Against Doink the Clown, Comedy Site Rips WWE Humor, New Tyler Breeze Episode

Comedy Site Rips WWE Humor

The Interrobang has published a new article titled “Wrestling With Comedy: How the WWE Brought Them Together, and Ruined Both.”

The article cites several infamous WWE angles, including Vince McMahon using the N-word on TV, Mae Young giving birth to a hand and more. Below is an excerpt:

Comedy is a natural part of life, and a huge part of how people connect with one another. A wrestler’s job is to connect with the crowd, so if they’re a funny person, they’re going to use that to connect. Unfortunately, if they aren’t a particularly funny person, and they have an insane sense of humor that regularly crosses the line into the disgusting and offensive, it’s going to turn people away and might even cause others to think they’re a monster. Typically, that person wouldn’t become a comedy writer, but apparently he might hire a bunch of them and display their efforts towards making him and him alone laugh on national television every week.

Jim Duggan Explains a Match Turned Shoot Fight Against Doink the Clown

In the following video, WWE Hall of Famer Hacksaw Jim Duggan explains why he believes he was ambushed in a wrestling match that turned into a shoot fight with Matt Osborne, aka Doink the Clown, that took place shortly before Osborne’s death:

New Tyler Breeze Episode

In the latest episode of “Shootin’ the Breeze”, Tyler Breeze travels to Italy for the Wrestlemania Revenge Tour, visits the Lamborghini Museum, and chats with Dr. Phil: