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Exclusive: Sam Roberts Talks The Wyatt Family vs The Undertaker & Kane Feud, “Worse Than Hokey Is Formulaic…”, more (Audio Included)

In the second installment Sam talks with Nick about the feud between The Wyatt Family and Undertaker/Kane, the new evil Bunny following Adam Rose around, WWE’s current tag team division, whether it’s the right time for Cody Rhodes to return in place of Stardust, more

The final installment in this cross over series will be released sometime this weekend. If you would like to get it as soon as it’s released…

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You can find some transcribed quotes from the conversation as well as the audio below: 

On the Undertaker’s “powers” being transferred to Bray Wyatt:

SR: It’s unfortunate because I love Bray Wyatt. Him and Seth Rollins, I love them, they’re the greatest. It is a little hokey but even outside of being hokey it’s formulaic. Worse than hokey is formulaic and it’s something that we kind of know what the cycle is now. It’s Bray Wyatt beats someone up and then he cuts a creepy promo and then he loses at the PPV. Then he comes out on Monday and he beats someone up and then he cuts a creepy promo and then he loses at the PPV. It becomes this thing where no matter how good or bad the Undertaker promo is it’s like we’ve seen Bray build up to an Undertaker match without the Undertaker being there. We know what happens. I hope that they’re bringing the Undertaker and Kane back in some way shape or form. If they’re going to build a match for Survivor Series, which would make sense, I would hope that they would. If they’re going to build a match for Survivor Series I would hope that the Undertaker and Kane have something to do with the build up. It’s so, “we’ve already seen it.” I really like the idea of Bray doing this and I really want to see him win. I’d love to see him beat the Brothers of Destruction. What we saw on Monday was kind of exactly what we saw in March. It’s exactly what we saw against Roman Reigns. Then before that against Daniel Bryan. We’ve seen it so many times and the ending every single time has been Bray Wyatt loses at the PPV. 

On the return of Adam Rose’s now much darker and evil “Bunny”:

SR: I’m good with it. It’s nice that Adam Rose has something. It seemed like that as much as people made fun of it people always had some kind of interest in the Bunny. There was always this kind of desire to figure out where it was going. When it just kind of stopped there was something disappointing about it. As absurd as the whole thing was it was kind of like, “We introduced this Bunny in to our lives where are we going with this?” Especially when commentary could not figure out if they were talking about a real bunny or a fake bunny. We had to be pointed out that it was a man in a bunny suit. Ok, well who is the man? I dunno. We never found out. That is a huge untied knot. That is two ends of string that have just been hanging and dangling and annoying me for a long time. If somebody can tie that knot up it would be helpful to my psychology. 

On the message it sends that The New Day is trying so hard and succeeding but not really getting a push: 

SR: I think it’s not fair to say they aren’t getting a push. They were in the main event. Aside from that Survivor Series match on RAW which I was disappointed in that they were all beaten so easily. Before that match they were all kind of being booked to not only be the entertaining goofy guys but they kicked everybody’s ass. There was a week or two ago RAW went off the air and John Cena and the Dudley Boyz were all three laid out and The New Day were standing over them kind of evil, victorious and they had just demolished these guys. I would hope that people in the back look at these guys and see that it’s encouragement to try to do something and see what works. I think the way that the fans have reacted to The New Day is evidence that when you have talented performers and you allow them to be a little more organic that it can be super effective. 

If you would like to listen to the first installment between Sam and Nick you can find it embedded audio player below:

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