nxt takeover respect

NXT Takeover Respect Results (10/7): Bayley vs Sasha Banks, Bálor And Samoa Joe Stand Tall!

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Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals:
-Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder vs. Finn Bálor and Samoa Joe

Bálor is knocked off the apron by Wilder. Joe immediately attacks Wilder backing him into the corner. Joe tries to charge Wilder in the corner, but Dawson pulled him out of the way. Dawson and Wilder take turns tagging in and beating on Joe. Wilder almost smashes Joe in the corner, but Joe moves and hits a falling enzguri. Joe tags in Bálor who sends Dawson to the outside. Wilder joins him. Bálor dives over the top on both Dawson and Wilder. Bálor goes up to for the coup de grâce, but Dawson distracts Bálor long enough for Wilder to take out Bálor’s knee.

Dawson and Wilder attack Bálor’s new like two pit bulls. Dawson locks in a half crab on Bálor. Bálor fights out of it, but before he can tag in Joe, Wilder knocks Joe off the apron. While the ref is preoccupied with Joe, Dawson and Wilder hit Demolition’s old finisher on Bálor for a two count. Wilder and Dawson putting on a clinic against Bálor. Bálor finally tags in Joe, who hits the Joe combo (Inverted atomic drop, big boot, senton combo). Wilder runs into a uranage in the corner. Joe tries to set up the muscle buster, but Bálor begs Joe to tag him in. Joe reluctantly does so. Joe his the muscle buster and Bálor hit the coup de grâce to get the win.

Winners- Finn Bálor and Samoa Joe

After the match, Bálor can barley walk. He looks to be pretty badly injured.

With Bálor recent entrance and ring gear change, leads me to believe there may be a heel turn in his future. The ending of this match was clearly meant to tease dissention between Joe and Bálor. By the end of the night, either Bálor will turn on Joe, or Joe will pull an Owen Hart at 1994 Royal Rumble.