WWE RAW Results (9/28): Roman Reigns vs Bray Wyatt, John Cena Restarts The U.S. Title Open Challenge!

wwe rawWWE RAW Results
September 28th 2015
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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John Cena makes his way to the ring and grabs a microphone. Cena remarks that the crowd seems a little salty tonight, but have no fear, the champ is here. Cena goes on to put over the U.S. title. Cena is officially bringing back the U.S. open challenge. After a brief bit of silence, John Cena’s music plays… via a trombone. The New Day dance down the ramp, and it looks like Big E. will be Cena’s opponent tonight.

John Cena vs Xavier Woods

Woods taunts Cena with the trombone. The bell rings and Cena destroys Woods with a clothesline. Woods rolls to the outside. Big E. and Kofi get on the apron. Cena knocks Big E. off the apron. Cena hits the ropes, but Kingston grabs his ankle. The referee sees Kingston’s interference, so he boots Big E. and Kingston from ringside. Cena hit the five-knuckle shuffle. Cena tries to AA Woods, but Woods wiggles out and hits an enzguri to Cena. Woods gets on the top rope, but Cena tries to AA Woods off the top. Woods wiggles out again.

Cena dives off the top turnbuckle for a cross body but Woods moves out of the way, then hits a diving ddt off the middle rope. Woods goes for the honor roll, but Cena catches him in a power bomb. Cena goes for another AA, but Woods wiggles out again and hits a high knee and a reverse suplex to Cena. Cena tries the AA yet again, but Woods reverse it into eat de-feat for another two count. Woods plants Cena face first with a running front face ddt, but Cena kicks out again. Woods goes to the top for a drop kick, but Cena moves out of the way. Cena locks in the STF, but Kingston and Big E. hit the ring before Woods can tap out. Woods has been disqualified.

Winner – John Cena

After the match the Dudley Boyz come out to fight off New Day with Cena.