WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (9/6/21)

WWE RAW ResultsWWE RAW Results 

Sept 6, 2021

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In-Ring Segment: RK-Bro

Orton says Bobby Lashley and MVP tried to take the RAW Tag Team Titles from them last week. They failed miserably. Tonight they will see who is next, but it won’t matter. No matter who they are, they will fall to the three most destructive letters in the world, RK- (Riddle cuts in and yells Bro). Riddle goes on a rant about all of the tag teams competing tonight. MVP and Lashley interrupt. MVP tells Orton he needs to be concerned with Lashley, not the tag teams.

Lashley challenges Orton to a match. Orton says he’ll accept Lashley’s challenge on one condition: it has to be a WWE Championship Match. MVP accepts the challenge and the match will be at Extreme Rules. Lashley says they are going to get added to the tag team turmoil match. Lashley vows to become a double champion. The New Day inturupts. Woods and Kingston tell Lashley and MVP to hurry up and talk to management because they are kicking the match off right now.

Tag Team Turmoil Match: 

  1. The New Day vs. The Viking Raiders

Both teams trade moves. Erik is dumped to the outside. Kingston tries the falling star splash but Erik and Ivar catch Kingston. Woods tries to make the save but Erik and Ivar toss Kingston at Woods like a javelin. After the break, Woods gets powerbombed by Erik. Ivar lands a splash off the top. Woods kicks out. Kingston hits Ivar with Trouble in Paradise as Woods rolls up Erik for the win.

The Viking Raiders have been eliminated

2. The New Day vs. Jinder Mahal and Veer w/Shanky

Before Mahal and Veer can get to the ring, Woods and Kingston both land dives. Mahal takes control. Kingston and Woods hit an assisted double stomp for the pin.

Jinder Mahal and Veer have been eliminated

3. The New Day vs, Lucha House Party

Woods pins Dorado after reversing a wheelbarrow into a facebuster. Woods and Kingston are exhausted, but their next opponent waste no time making their entrance.

Lucha House Party has been eliminated

4. The New Day vs. Mace and T-Bar

Mace and T- Bar destroy Woods and Kingston. Woods reverses Feast Your Eyes into a rolls up for the pin!

Mace and T-Bar have been eliminated

5. The New Day vs. Mansoor and Ali 

Mace and T-Bar are beating down New Day. Mansoor runs down to the ring to try to make the save. Mace and T-Bar destroy Ali and Mansoor.  Ali is launched into the ring post. Mace lawn darts Kingston into the ring steps T-Bar is holding. Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce runs down to ringside with referees to try to restore order. Mace and TBar have left Woods, Kingston, Mansoor, and Ali laying.

Deville announces the Tag Team Turmoil Match will continue later tonight.

WWE RAW Results Continue On The Next Page!


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